The Finale Pt.2

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T/W: Blood (probably tears for you) >:)

Tommy POV

Well we had followed dream to a cave?? I looked around the cave and in the middle of it was a sticky piston contraption. "Get in the middle of the blocks." Tubbo walked forward and walks onto the blocks. "Tubbo you can't just listen to this guy he's might kill us." Tubbo stay where he is though. "i mean either way we can't really do anything so might as well listen to him." I sigh and stand in the middle next to tubbo. Dream gets on next to us and he pulls a lever. 

The platforms slowly lowers and we could see more and more of the huge room. "Oh my god." tubbo and i had said at the same time as we gazed upon the hugs nether portal and the golden platforms. (i really wanted to put 'welcome home theseus') "I would prefer you to not touch the discs if you want to keep your friend." I turn and head towards tubbo. 

"My discs." I head to the discs and tubbo follows right behind me. "They're not even in the middle.." Tubbo said as he looked at the gold platforms and the discs were one block away from being in the middle. I would have laughed at that if we weren't at the brink of death. "So you two follow." I walk over to dream with tubbo and head down  hallway full of item frames?? I look around and saw that they were all things people cared about on the amp.

We head further down the hall and you would find a cage with a sign saying 'skeppy'. "dream what the hell." I turn around to find friend and.. henry. I run over to the caged cow. "b-but i saw him die t-this surely can't be him." I said as i looked at my old friend and patted his head. "You never know." Dream shrugged. "Tommy do you know why i am more powerful than you'll ever be?" Dream asked looking towards me. I looked away and shook my head. "Well its because you grew attachment tommy, you are the reason this server has multiple people who have grown attachments to items." 

"See i cut all my attachments off so you can't hold anything against me." Dream walked closer and closer to me till he was right in front of me. "You want to be a hero tommy? you want to be the hero of this server?" He walks away and grabs tubbo's hand. "you know all superheroes have an orgin story, someone they care about died, so if you really want to be a hero you must loose something to." I saw tubbo crying struggling to escape his grip again. "N-no please d-dream." 

I started begging i didn't want to loose my best friend. "you can say your goodbyes now tommy." I shook my head. "No there will be no goodbyes because he's not dying!" I yelled walking towards tubbo who was still in dreams hands. "Why are wasting your goodbye?? I could just kill him now and you don't get to say goodbye." Dream said chuckling as he pulled out his axe and held it to tubbo's neck. "NO I'LL SAY GOODBYE, Please." I slowly started letting tears slip at the end of that sentence. 

"I'll stand over here." I grabbed tubbo and walked across the room. "Tubbo you can't die, i- i can't live without y- you." I started crying holding on to him like he was my life line. "It's ok tommy it's my time anyways." Tubbo let loose a small smile and hugged his best friend. "No tubbo it's not your time i can't l-loose y-you." I cried into his shoulder holding him and not letting go. 

"Tommy it's about time for me anyways." Tubbo said throughout his sobs and sniffles. "Tu-tubbo please don't give up on me." I got out of the hug and grabbed his shoulders."what am I without you tubbo?". Tubbo gives a slight smile, "yourself big man." Tubbo gave tommy one last hug. "i love you toms." (ITS FRIENDSHIP YOU FOOLS GRRR GROWL BARK BARK I TELL MY FRIENDS I LOVE THEM ALL THE TIMEE) "I-I love you too Tubz." I let go of tubbo and walked with him towards dream. 

"So you guys ready?" Dream asked pulling out his axe pointing it to tubbo. I shook my head and looked at tubbo one last time. "I-I'm so sorry." I sob as i fall to my knees and scream. I waited to hear tubbo's painful screams until i heard another voice. "Dream back away from him." I look up, still absolutely sobbing, Punz.. 

Tubbo runs over to me as i see everyone else who lived in lmanberg came through the nether portal. I sat up as tubbo hugs me. "w-what?" I stand up running behind everyone. "You guys ok?" Quackity asked as he runs over to me and tubbo. "I-I'm fine but c-can you help t-tubbo?" I asked pointing to tubbos shoulder. He nods and pulled out bandages from his inventory and sits tubbo on the ground and squats down in from of him helping wrap up his wounds. 

I walk to the front of the group to find dream with a smile on his face. "You know i can't kill you tommy there would be no more fun on this server." Dream said as he let a fake frown take over his face. "Shut up." i growl under my breath and i look to sapnap and he nods handing me a pickaxe. I dig a hole. "Dream put your stuff in the hole." I smile almost laughing at the irony.

Dream shook his head "Who said i would listen to a brat like you?" He looks me up and down in disgust. "we could easily kill you right now. put your shit in the fucking hole." I slowly walked closer to him glaring daggers at him. He nods and drops everything in the hole. i grab everything he drops and put it in my inventory. 

"hey dream you know what i find funny?" I pulled out his axe. "you want to tell everyone what you did to me?" I smiled, my smile getting bigger with every word. "I'd prefer not to." Dream smiles. HE SMILES. I run towards dream grabbed the axe and plunging it in his shoulder stabbing him repeatedly, not to where he dies of course. I want him to feel all the pain he had put me through. 

I feel people start to grab my shoulders and pull me away from dream. "NO THIS IS WHAT THIS BASTARD GETS HE SHOUDL BE PUT THROUGH FUCKING HELL!!" I struggled against the people holding me. "DREAM FUCKING DIE GOD DAMMIT!"  I started screaming and kicking the people. "IT-it's n-not f-f-fair." I started crying and they finally let me go. I dropped to the ground and started sobbing. 

Tubbo rushed over and hugged tommy. "It's not fucking fair he needs to fucking die tubbo." I mumbled feeling the adrenaline slowly rush out of my system. "Sam will you take him to the prison?" I heard Punz say. "Will do, Cmon dream." Sam grabbed dreams shoulders and walked onto the platform and out of the cave. 

"He blew up the community house, it wasn't me." I finally said through tears. Everyone came over after grabbing what was theirs in the hallway. "We're sorry tommy." I got up and walked over to the gold platforms. "tubbo can you go grab cat?" Tubbo nodded and grabbed the disc and put it in his enderchest. I grabbed mellohi and put it in my inventory. 

Soon everyone exited the base thought the nether portal and headed back to lmanberg. I followed everyone else and headed to the bench. Tubbo and I sat on the bench and sat together once more. "I-i thought i was g-gonna loose you tubbo." I teared up again afraid of ever loosing my best friend. "I-i'm sorry toms." Tubbo hugged me and let go a minuted later grabbing cat from his chest and handed it to me. "here." Tubbo smiled as i put it into the jukebox. "Thank you tubbo.." I smiled and closed my eyes. 


Soo this is it for the finale i hope you enjoyed this guys!! I am working on the requests i promise.. I wanted to write this because it just comes to mind. But i hope you all enjoyed guys gals and non binary pals!!! (Thomas sandersss whyyy) 

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