Ghostinnit pt2

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This song has nothing to do with the story I just really like this song

ghostbur pov

I woke up the next morning still asleep in tnret, and tommy was also still asleep i wouldn't blame him though it looked as if he hadn't slept in months, so i got up and grabbed a book from his chest and tore out a piece of paper and wrote a little note stating that i was gonna come back i was going out for a bit. As soon as i decided the note was good enough i walked out of tnret and headed to techno and phil's house to tell them about tommy.

I made sure not to touch the snow so i floated the whole way there. I finally got around the corner of the hill to see smoke and a house in the distance. I hurried and made my way over there. As i came up to the door i knocked on it waiting for a response or the door to open. The door swung open and on the other side was phil looking straight at me with a confused face. 

"hello ghostbur come in." Phil stapes aside so i could pass. "Thank you". "So what are you doing here?" Phil asked as he shut the door. I turned around with a serious face. "I wanted to talk about tommy." phil let out a quick inhale of air. "what about tommy?" phil asked becoming more and more worried with how serious ghostbur, the usual happy ghost, was acting. "He-  i came to visit him and he was staring out to the sunset, i mean thats usual for tommy, but i looked at him closer, and it looks like he hasn't slept and something happened to him yesterday because his shoulder was bleeding but wouldn't let me patch it up."

Phil stayed quiet as i explains more of tommy's situation to him. "So i asked him what was wrong and he refused to tell me then i asked him if i could patch up his wound and he also refused to lift his shirt enough for me to get the plaster on him. then he got crying for the rest of the night till he fell asleep. I mean i patched him while he was asleep so it wouldn't get infected." 

"I think it would be best if you paid him visit i mean the only person i know that visits him daily is me and dream." I looked to phil to find him on the verge of tears and speechless. "He- he has gone through so much.. i haven't been there for him. I need to pack up some of my things i am going to visit him." As phil was going on a rant and collecting his things from around the house techno came in and was silently questioning why his dad was running around their house with a bag of supplies in hand. 

"So what's happening and why is dad running around the house?" Techno asked smiling awkwardly. "Well he's going to visit tommy for a couple of days." Techno had a look of confusion. "Why now?" techno asked grabbing his stuff cause he knew he was going to get pulled into his fathers mess. "tommy just needs a little happiness and sunshine in his life right now i mean he doesn't even want my blue." I said the last part in disbelief. 

"I'm ready to start heading there, since i haven't been there you can lead the way ghostbur." phil asked techno if he was ready and he followed phil out the door and we were on our way to logstedshire.


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