Bad Day

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• Bullying
• Knife
• Blood

Tommy POV
This morning hadn't been too bad, I woke up like I always do and I head downstairs to hear techno and wilbur arguing with eachother. I roll my eyes and head back into my room, to get ready for my day.

I head to the bathroom across from my room with my clothes in hand. As soon as I was finished I walked back to my room and grabbed one of the red and white hoodies in my closet.

Then I heard a knock on my door and I muttered a 'come in' and phil walked in.  "Hey tommy I'll be taking you to school since your two older brothers can't seem to get their shit straight."  I nodded and grabbed my backpack following phil downstairs.

"Techno, Will we're leaving you can drive your car Will!" Phil didnt get a response back instead louder arguing. "I'll take that as an ok". Phil sighed and pushed me lightly out the door. "Cmon toms" I sat in the front seat next to phil who started the car.

"Sorry about them they just it happens sometimes." I nodded and fiddled with my finger starting to peel skin off of them until phil put his hand on top of mine. "You'll hurt yourself kiddo." I smile at phil and phil smiles back.

The rest of the way was a peaceful silence and I thought it must be a good start to a good day.

Phil parks in the parking lot and I get out. "Have a good day tommy" I smile and head to the front doors of the school.

So now it's first period and I'm sitting in my desk with crumbled papers around my desk.  They just say the same things as always. I've grown to ignore it though.

Its lunch time and I'm waiting for tubbo but then I got a text from him saying he wasnt going to be here all week because of a road trip, and tubbo was about my only friend in this school so now I will be very alone.

I head outside to sit underneath the tree me and tubbo usually sit under during lunch.  I was reading a book I got from techno something about a lmanberg and a president blowing up his country?

Well the sunlight was suddenly blocked from my vision and I looked up to see jordan (idk fuckin random name I swear) and two other kids behind him (I'm assuming his friends).

"Hey thomas whatcha doin alone got no friends to hang out with?" He start laughing and I roll my eyes. He suddenly grabbed my shirt pulling me up. "Fucking roll your eyes at me we'll teach you a damn lesson."

He throws me to the ground and his two other friends hold my arms down making me unable to stand or even sit up. I started struggling as soon as he took a picket knife out of his pocket.

"This is going over hand dont you think?" I smiled trying to hide my fear. "You should've thought that when u fucking decided to be a smartass." He pulls up my shirt and open the knife, I started to scream when his friend slapped his hand over my mouth.

He started carving something into my stomach and I screamed and tried wiggling out of their grasp but after a while I gave up knowing it would be useless. "Smart idea to stop moving dumbass" after what felt like hours of antagonizing pain the he lifted the knife off my body.  "Think about it next time." He walked away with his friends leaving me bleeding on the ground.

I slowly made my way off the ground and into the bathroom. Finally making it to the bathroom I laid down on the ground covering my stomach with my stomach crying nonstop. 

As my vision starts to loose its color I saw a figure of what looked to be a kid. I tried whispering leave me alone but then everything went black.
So.. I'm back not gonna have constant updates but here angst this is my gift for being so late hope you guys love me soo much >:)


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