Overprotective Pt. 2

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More fluff chapter because you guys said part 1 was sad :) So i shall give you happiness


3rd person pov

The family of four gathered around in tommy's living room. "You got everything tomz?" phil asked looking to tommy who was staring at the ground. "yup." Tommy had answered with no emotion showing in his voice. "Cmon tommy." Phil grabbed tommy's hand and walked out of his house with techno and wilbur following behind the two.

After an hour walk to the snow biome where phil's cabin lays surrounded by a forest, if phil didn't point out the house tommy would have just passed it, techno had gotten in front of them and is now standing on the porch waiting for the slow pokes. 

Wilbur, phil and tommy made it to the house now and they were all heading inside. "This is it tommy, you can sleep in your old room if you want." Tommy nodded and headed to his room. As he made his way to his room he had looked at his old childhood home before he had moved into lmanberg. He let a small smile leave his lips. He had to admit he did kinda miss this place. 

Tommy had finally gotten to his room and opened his door to see that nothing had been changed or moved, almost like phil had wanted to keep tommy's childhood in this room. Tommy made his way to his bed and set all of his stuff down falling onto the bed. 

He grabbed his phone and turned on his spotify playlist laying in his bed staring out the window on the right side of his bed. He was about to close his eyes and fall asleep until he heard a knock at his door. He sat up and mumbled a 'come in' and techno had come in. 'We're gonna eat some lunch, come out here nerd." Tommy nodded and got out of his bed and followed techno into the kitchen.

"Ah hello tommy we have some grilled cheese if you would like any." Phil said as he grabbed a plate and put one of the made sandwiches on a plate and handed it to techno. Tommy nodded and grabbed a plate. Phil had put a whole sandwich on his and sat down at the table next to tommy and techno, wilbur sitting next to tommy's side.

It was a very akward silence at the table. Everyone sitting there wanted to talk but they didn't know what to talk about, so of course wilbur was the first to speak up. "We should have a movie night, to celebrate the child's return." Wilbur smirked as he said the last part looking over to tommy who stopped eating and stared at wilbur threateningly. 

"I'm not a fucking child dickhead." tommy couldn't keep up the charade and let out a small snicker. "last i checked your the youngest child here." Wilbur wasn't backing down this easy and kept testing his younger brother. "Wilbur your about to get beat bitch." Tommy stood up grabbing the salt and throwing it at wilbur.

"I know your salty but was the salt necessary?" wilbur asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Absolutely necessary bitch."  Tommy smiled and sat back down seeming proud of himself for winning this conversation. 

Meanwhile phil and techno just watched the whole exchange and were laughing, and running out of breath. but after a whole 10 minutes of the family just laughing they had all settled down and they all agreed they would binge harry potter movies. (Why harry potter you ask? Because i can :p ) 

So after dinner phil and techo had grabbed a handful of blankets and set them on the couch while wilbur made popcorn. Tommy just went ahead and sat on the couch takign up the least possible space he could. Phil was the first to arrive and sat next to tommy and put his arm around his shoulder pulling tommy closer to him. Next was wilbur who jumped on the couch setting the popcorn down on the table in front of them. Finally techno who sat next to wilbur and turned on the movie.

All of them had gotten through one movie and halfway through the second movie phil had felt a weight on his shoulder and looked to see a sleeping tommy. He gave a smile and hugged all of his boys. 


You guys happy? Is this fluff enough for you? :) 

Well i hope you enjoyed :)) I did enjoy making this chapter alot

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