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[After Wilbur's death tommy is the only one who can see and interact with him]
3rd person pov
It's been a couple months since the election happened and it's been a couple of months since tommy's older brother died. Everyone was devastated about Wilbur's death, tommy was overall confused why they were because Wilbur was standing right next to him.

Tommy walks over to tubbo seeing as how he was extremely bored today. "Hey big t" tommy yelled waving to tubbo. "Hey tommy!." Wilbur shows up next to me waving to tubbo. "Will says hello aswell."

Tubbo looked at tommy with wide eyes before backing away a couple of steps, "I have to go somewhere real quick." Tubbo runs off somewhere leaving me and Wilbur alone.

"Why do they do that will?" The said boy turns to tommy and just shakes his head letting out a shaky sigh. "Not sure why." Wilbur then starts walking off till tommy noticed and speed walks after wilbur.

"Do they think I'm going insane will?" Wilbur just stays silent not wanting to answer. " Tommy d-do you remember what happened the day l'manberg b‐blew up?" He stops and turns towards tommy. "Y-yeah of course I do how could I forget?"

Meanwhile tubbo has set up a meeting with everyone including the dream team to discuss about tommy. "So I wanted to call a meeting tonight because tommy keeps saying things about Wilbur not being dead, and it's starting to worry me."

Everyone nodded having been in this conversation a couple times before. "What do you suppose we do?" Dream asks. "Well the only logical thing would be telling him the truth." They all nod coming up with a plan.

Tubbo walks out of the building with phil and techno, attempting to find tommy. They soon spot tommy staring wide eyed at something in front of him, all of a sudden he just yells and runs off. The three men look at each other and nod, all running after tommy.

Wilbur watched as they run after tommy. He decides it would just be better if he just went back to his sewer home.

Tommy went ahead back to his house where he lived with phil, techno and Wilbur. See, what he just learned is that wilbur had died when l'manberg blew up. By, no other than phil his own father. At this point tommy did not know how to feel and after so long he finally, let It all out.

The other three men made it back to the house where tommy was sitting on the porch crying into his hands. Tubbo phil and techno  made their way to tommy tubbo sitting the closest to Tommy's side and phil sitting on Tommy's other side and techno sitting by phil.

"Tommy you ok?" Tubbo sets his hand on his shoulder. "M'fine" the said boy mumbles wiping his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" Tubbo asks in a soft voice. "I guess I just blocked out the fact that Wilbur actually died out of my mind... I can still see him though."

Tommy just stayed silent other than the occasional sniffling. Everyone separated and looked at Tommy's now sleeping figure. "Cmon let's bring him inside."

[Ahhh well I finished this chapter. I hope this makes you satisfied I did this in my first period class :D were watching james and the giant peach]

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