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Tommy has a writing assignment and doesn't understand but doesn't want to get help because he feels like a burden.

3rd person pov

  Tommy sat still staring intensely at the piece of paper in front of him, wanting to just break all hell on the stupid piece of paper.

  A fucking writing assignment it had to be. Of all the things the great tommyinnit is good at it's not english, yeah yeah math is hard but writing paragraphs about shit you don't care about is even more confusing.

  So now tommy is sitting at his desk in his room on the verge of tears over a writing assignment, but he refuses to go to phil for help because he doesn't want to be seen as weak and a burden.

  Tommy POV

  At this point I'll take the fuckin F.. I grab a fistful of my hair and tightly pull in frustration. "Dammit, dammit, dammit." I sign and calm myself down. It's a writing assignment it's fine it won't cause any harm if you just don't do it.

  Yeah but what if your teacher gets mad and get phil involved wouldn't you feel like a bother then?

How would you feel if phil saw that F in your report card? He would think your even dumber than you already are..

And to think your the "big man tommyinnit" who can't even ask for help.

  It's not my fault, I mumble to myself.. suddenly I hear my door open and I hear techno's voice. "Hey nerd dinners ready." I nod "I'll be there in a couple" techno hums and closes my door.

  welp time to go eat dinner and rethink life choices. I make my way downstairs and head to the kitchen table and sit in my usual spot. "Hey Tommy." Wilbur says and I nod in his direction.

  "Tommy you good you look like your ready to kill something" phil asks taking a seat at the table after handing out all of our plates. "Yeah I'm fine just tired." Phil hums and starts eating as everyone else does as well.

After dinner nothing really exciting happened I just sat at my desk and smashed the paper into my desk then threw it at my door :). Then I laid my head on my desk letting out a loud sigh.

My door opens once again to find techno standing in the doorway. "Were watching a movie downstairs if you wanna join." Techno said. "I have homework just start without me" I sigh and I hear techno walk closer to me.

  "What are you working on?" Techno asked. "Its a writing assignment and its fucking stupid." Techno stands next to me and looks at my assignment. "You having trouble with it?" I shake my head, "no I'm just really slow at writing?" I smile to make my attempt at lying more believable. "Really? That has to be one of the worst lies I have heard come from you, what do you need help with?" I sigh in relief. "Just the writing part..."

  So after an hour of techno explaining it all to me, he helped me finish and we all got to enjoy the movie together and I won't disappoint crowfather.


Hii! Its mee so sorry for the slow updates, it's not that I don't have enough time, I just sleep and procrastinate alot.. so that is how my summer is going.

But I hope you enjoy this new chapter and have a great morning/day/night!

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