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[Tommy and tubbo build a treehouse]


3rd person pov

It was a pretty normal day to everyone in the sleep boi household, phil was talking to techno in the kitchen and wilbur was upstairs playing his guitar. Tommy and tubbo hated saturdays though only because of the fact that they had nothing to do, not that they weren't at school.

The two youngest boys decided that they would go outside and play in the woods for the day. They came running downstairs tubbo running after tommy, as phil was yelling at them to stop running in the house. "dad!" Tommy and tubbo yelled at the same time. Phil turned around and found the two boys right in front of him. 

"Yes?" Phil asked. "We want to go outside." Phil sighed and waved them off. "Go ahead you two just don't get lost." The boys smiled at each other and headed outside. "So you wanna go find a tree we can sit under?" Tommy asked looking over to tubbo who was already at the entrance of the forest. "I wanna go find some bees!!" Tubbo exclaimed jumping up and down. 

Tommy sighed and walked after him. "Of course we can find some bees." Tubbo started running halfway through their walk and the two ended up playing a game of tag. "Tommy look bees!!!" Tubbo let one of the bees fly on his finger and went to go hand one to tommy but he refused, saying something like their your thing not mine and they are gonna end up stinging me.

A couple minutes later after walking around the forest and tommy handing random flowers to tubbo for his bees, they had finally found a perfect tree where one of the branches was about flat and big enough where it acted as a floor so they didn't fall. 

They both looked at each other and separated gathering little branches and large pieces of wood to cover some of the walls. They climbed up the tree and began to construct it. They got the flooring covered so you wouldn't fall through a random hole and they have some coverage of the roof, so as they finished that they began to climb down and head back to the house to grab extra supplies, like a tarp for their roof so rain doesn't get in da house.

-time skip to a couple days later-

Tommy and Tubbo have finally finished the treehouse and they added more decorations in their so it looked more homey.  They added fairy lights that went through out the house, which helped it light up the house. They also added 2 beanbags and a bean bag couch (yes they are a thing i searched it up). They finally took in a whole look at their finished treehouse and was very proud of it. They decided that they were gonna get everyone to come to the treehouse.

The two ran back to the house and walked into the house to find everyone in the living room. "dad!" phil turned with a smile on his face. "Hi you two." Tommy turned to phil "We need food that easy to make, we have a surprise." Tommy said interrupting what he was going to say next. "ok then ill just make ramen for everyone." Tommy and tubbo cheered while gathered blankets and pillows. 

"so are you gonna to explain to us what's happening or are we gonna be left in the dark?" Techno asked walking up to tommy to help carry some of the blankets. "Nope its a surprise, oh and can you bring your laptop?" Techno nodded and grabbed his laptop. "Im dont with the ramen so let's go wherever where going." Tommy and tubbo nodded leading us all out of the house.

After a 10 minutes walk through the woods they came across their tree house that also had fairy lights  streaming on the outside of the house lighting up their path. Wilbur and techno looked at the house with wide eyes and they all climbed the ladder. (Yes they have all stuff magic). "wow this place is amazing did you guys find it?" Wilbur asks setting all of the stuff down on the ground. "Nope we made the main structure of the place and we have been decorating." 

Everyone other than tommy and tubbo seemed surprised when they said that. "Well it's very lovely" Phil said sitting down next to phil and techno on da bean bag couch. "thank you" Tubbo exclaimed setting ramen in front of each of his family members. "We're gonna watch movies tonight and stay up all night!" Tommy exclaimed eating his ramen as fast as he could. 

-Time skip just because- 

Now they were all finished eating and were all watching a movie on techno's laptop and tommy and tubbo were starting to drift off to sleep. Techno phil and wilbur all smiled and started to drift off to sleep aswell in the two boys treehouse..


[Well thats that i hope you guys and gals and non binary pals (haha thomas sanders reference) if you want more feel free to request i am currently having trouble making new stories ;-;]

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