Comfort part 2

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request by: @binksplays     (  I really liked your idea btw :)  )

So techno and phil taking care of tommy and dream finding them.

TW: Suicide Mention


3rd person pov

The three family members have made it back to phil's house safe and sound and meanwhile tommy was still asleep so phil had techno carry him in, because techno was obviously stronger than him. "He can sleep in my bed." Phil said as he opened the door and let techno inside first. Techno nods and heads inside and disappears upstairs. 

Phil walked into the kitchen to start dinner for the three of them. Meanwhile techno was upstairs tucking tommy into bed. "Night  Toms." Techno closes the door and heads downstairs and looked for phil to find him in the kitchen. "Hey" Techno walks up beside phil and watched what he's doing. "Hello son, hows tommy doin?" Phil turns around and grabs a plate to put the finished sandwich on. 

"He's sleeping right now but I'm not entirely sure how hes doing mentally, or physically." Techno slowly filled with guilt for not helping his little brother sooner. "Techno it's not your fault, i already know what your thinking." Techno just chuckled at his dad. "Ok dad." "Can you go get tommy up so he can eat something?" Techno nods and walks away leaving phil alone.

Techno pov

I walk up stairs slowly getting faster as soon as he heard the silent sobs, well not that silent since i can hear them, and i walk into phil's room where the crying gets louder. I rush over and sit down beside tommy's body putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Tommy can you hear me, its ok , it's techno, I'm here." Tommy shakily nods and leans into my touch as i pull him into a hug. As i whisper words of encouragement to him i start rubbing his back. "I'm here tommy your ok i promise.." After a while the sobs turned into just sniffles.

"You wanna talk about it tommy?" Tommy shakes his head and sits back up still leaning against me but not as much. "ok then would you like something to eat, Phil made some grilled cheese." Tommy nods and stands up. "Beat you to the kitchen ." Tommy rushes out of the room, me right behind him. "Your on!" I run out of the room chasing tommy to the kitchen. 

 3rd person pov

While techno was getting tommy phil heard a knock at the front door so he finished the last sandwich and turned off the last burner, walking to the front door. He opened it and was very surprised to say the least. "Hello dream what are you doing here?" Dream was standing in front of phil with an axe in hand. "So you know where tommy is?" Phil was very confused to say the least.

"Umm why do you possibly want to know?" Phil slightly starting to close the door but of course dream being dream noticed. "He's here im not dumb phil, i'm just here to take him back." Phil suddenly had a very strong urge to just hit the guy but decided against it. "You mean back to where he was alone, with no one there to help him, for gods sake he was in the middle of writing his suicide note and where were you its not you care anyway so if you don't mind get off my property." Phil shut the door but not fast enough as dream had put his foot in front of the door before it fully closed.

Dream walks inside as if this is his house making phil more upset than he already was. "Excuse me i asked you to leave, i would prefer to not make this violent but if you keep this up i'm gonna have to." Phil grabbed dreams hand and got punched back. "you better tell me where tommy is now or else." Dream walks up to phil and hold the axe to his neck. 

As soon as he said that tommy and techno came running downstairs laughing, well until tommy met eyes with dream then suddenly hid behind techno. "Ahh tommy there you are.. are you ready to come back?" Tommy shakes his head and hold onto techno for dear life. "stay behind me tommy" Techno steps forward. "It's seems as phil has asked you to leave so i would listen." Phil takes a step back away from dream. "I'm just here for tommy and then i'll leave."

Techno takes another step towards dream. "Well can't say i didn't warn you.." (Insert cool fighting between techno and dream because i am clueless on how to write fighting scenes) Phil had ran over to tommy as he was a sobbing mess trying his best to hide himself. "It's ok tommy techno's taking of him, you don't have to worry about him anymore." Tommy kept sobbing and sniffling and letting out dry coughs, until he slowly got quieter and he passed out. Phil still holding him in a tight hug letting the sleeping teenager know that he's still here. 

Techno came back inside with more blood than phil was possibly comfortable with being on one of his sons. "Techno are you ok!?" Phil stands up and grabs tommy rushing over to techno. "Yeah i'm find but now we don't have to deal with dream coming back again i think i talked him into it" Phil lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thank you, i'm sorry i couldn't be of much help.." Phil looks down at tommy as techno does too. "You were a huge help thank you dad." 

Phil nods and techno smiles, a small smile but it was still there, making phil smile more. "I'm going to go put tommy in my bed again and i might just lay down. Techno let's out a nod of agreement. "I'm going to lay down as well." Techno heads upstairs following phil and tommy and going to his room. Phil walked into his room setting tommy down in his bed and pulling up the covers to cover his body.  Phil changed and laid down next to his son and fell asleep very quickly, while as soon as techno's head hit his pillow he was passed out.


wowow This is my longest chapter yet :000 I hope you liked this chapter. I am very sleep deprived wow.. Well i hope you have a good day or night where ever you are!!

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