Why They Love You

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He would usually tell you from time to time that he loves you for your kindness, gratitude, or something like that. But he really loves you for your mind, how you care for him, how you love his friends and family, and just overall your smile. He says how your smile makes his heart stop for a second and all he wants to do is tell you how much he loves you but can't put it into words.


Bonzo can't just think of one reason why he loves you. One minute he'll say it's how much you love music then say how it's because he likes how you love him almost more than he loves you. Or how he thinks it's cute when you get jealous. But the main reason is your energy. He says how whenever he's around you he can just feel more alive with you. And that's saying something.


Eliza literally can't think of one reason she loves you. But what comes to mind is how you will always defend her and your relationship no matter what. For example, when you two were at a cafe you got odd faces and it really bothered you. So you stood up in front of the whole cafe and told everyone how much you love Eliza and grabbed her into a passionate kiss in front of everyone making them gasp. It was the coolest thing you ever did for her.


Addison will claim that she loves everything about you and not just one thing. Which isn't completely a lie. But whenever she thinks of you she always thinks of you when you're at your happiest. Usually you're just calm and down to earth but she really likes when you get adventurous and extremely excited about things you really want to do. She just loves to see you having the best time of your life when you're with her.


Bucky actually can't think of just one thing when he thinks of you. Like you flood his mind no matter what you do. But if he could pick one thing it would be how you get upset when he worries about you more than himself. He loves how you start to get pouty when he constantly asks if you're okay because you know how he gets. One time he didn't eat for a whole day while he worried if you ate and got enough nutrients for your body.

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