First kiss

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You and Zed's first kiss was unexpected for both of you. You both were just having a good time after school on a little date and BAM! It just happened.

You had been planning to have youre first kiss with Bonzo for a while but you didn't know if he was ready so you had waited till you knew he was ready.

One day on one of the dates he took you to, he started to act nervous and started to trip over his words. You thought he was gonna breakup with you until he started to lean in for a kiss. And then BOOM! You had your first kiss. And it was perfect.

You never knew Eliza to be the one for mushy moments so you thought you wouldn't have your first kiss with her anytime soon.

One day while you least expected it, she took you to your favorite spot in town and planned for the right moment to go in for a kiss. And it sure caught you by surprise because afterwards you yelled, "FINALLY!! I thought you would never kiss me." which made ended in her laughing harder than ever.

You and Allison had your first kiss on your first date but she says that every time you kiss it's like the very first time which makes you fall for her even more.

Bucky never thought that he would ever get to kiss you since the only times you two get to spend time together is at school or sneaking around the city at night.

One day when his and your family caught you guys walking in the park, they got into a huge argument about how it's not right that you two were dating. You and him were both tired of the arguing and to your surprise he planted a big sweet kiss on your lips that made everyone go silent. Even you. When he had their attention he told them how you felt for each other but you were still taken back by his action.


So sorry it took me forever to update. Online school is just not my thing. But i'll try to update sooner.

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