When you meet them-

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You were from out of town and had to go to this new school. You mostly liked it because you were going to meet some zombies.

When you were at school, you saw a gate and wanted to cross it to see the zombies. But sadly no one let you. In the middle of class you heard an alarm go off and everyone rush out. You saw a safe room and thought it would be good to go in there. So did a zombie named zed.


You weren't always the type to speak. But when you did, it was always in zombie. Your parents thought it was just a phase when you were little. But they soon found out that it was permanent.

So when you went to Seabrook, and met all the zombies, you couldn't help think that it's your time to be with people who are like you.

One day you were in the cafeteria sitting with Bonzo, Zed, and Eliza. One minute you were eating your food, when the next minute you find yourself holding Bonzos hand and being happy. Turns out love comes in many different ways. Even if you are a zombie and a girl.


Your parents always told you to stay away from zombies. But then again, you never do listen to your parents.

One day while you were about to enter the school, a green haired girl caught your eye. 'She's beautiful.' You thought to yourself. 'But we can't be together.'

The next day when you were in the middle of eating, you heard the principal say that zombies will now eat in the cafeteria. As the doors opened, you saw some zombies you saw the day before. And again, she caught your eye. But this time she winked at you. You kindly smiled back and thought 'this could be my time.'

As you were walking home, you heard your name being called. You walked towards a gate, and as you were about to turn the corner, a person tapped your shoulder. "Ahh!" You screamed as you turned around. "Sorry if I scared you. But I saw you at school. My names Eliza." She said. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." I smiled.


You weren't like most girls. Mostly because you liked girls. Your parents didn't mind that you were different. But practically everyone at school mind that you were different.

One day you were sitting in class when the zombie alarm went off for the 8th time this week. "Why? Why must someone do this all the time?!" You yelled walking out the class room to the hall where everyone was running.

"Out of my way loser!" Someone said pushing you to the ground. You felt someone pick you up by your arm and help you walk to the safe room.

"Where am I?" You asked. "Safe. It's a zombie safe room." A girl said. "Oh." Is all you could say considering you were talking to the girl you had a huge crush on ever since 5th grade. "You ok?" She asked seeing you looked a little bit sad. "Yeah. It's just...I really like you. And I know you aren't" She cut you off with small but nice kiss. "You were saying?" She teased.


Your a zombie, and Bucky is a normal human being.

Ever since zombies and normal people became equal, you and Bucky can now be together. But you were always to afraid to ask him out because of his answer.

You were sitting with Zed, Bonzo, Bucky, Eliza, and Addison. You looked up to see Bucky looking at you. "What?" You laughed. "Um...will you...uhhh...go on a..uhhh....date with me?" He stuttered. You laughed a little. "Your asking me out? Really?!" You asked surprised. "Ummm...yeah. Will you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N go on a date with me." He said now having a rose in his hand and looking down at you. "Uhhh...yeah! I mean. Yes. I would love too." You said happily.

Those are all the people I remember. If I left out someone, let me know. Comment, vote, request(if you want too) and have a great day!


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