A secret they find out about you

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You swore that you would never keep any secrets from Zed. But you knew that one secret had to be kept just because you never knew what he would say.

"Hey can we talk?" he asked you one day at school. You turned and smiled at him only to find him having a serious face.

"Yeah. Yeah, uhh...i'll be back guys." you told your friends as you walked to go talk with Zed outside of your classroom. "So..what's up?" you asked him.

"Can you explain this to me?" he asked holding up a news paper about you and your family. "The lying Time-Traveling Family no one knew of." The paper read.

"Uh..where did you get that?" you asked. You could tell he was not happy. "Okay look. I was going to tell you.." you started.

"When? Because according to this..you never would've. Or did you already know that?" he said, his voice sounding hurt.

"No! I was going to tell you. I just didn't know how you were going to react. Like you are now." you told him feeling guilty.

"Well we'll never know since you didn't tell me earlier." he said sounding more hurt. You tried to talk to him but he wasn't in the mood for talking anymore. "Look..i just need some space right now." he told you before leaving you to silently cry.(Harsh but...yeah)


You were the one to always tell Bonzo everything. But you never told him that you actually knew how to speak english. So when he heard you speak it perfectly it hurt him bad. You tried to explain it to him.

"Look i would always get bullied so i thought that if there was something different about me they would just leave me alone." you said hoping he would understand. "You get it right?" you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.

"No. I don't actually." he said in Zombie of course. He told you he didn't want to see you for a while because the news just crushed him too much.


Your and Eliza's relationship on secrets is... You both know that some things should stay hidden unless it's serious. In this case it wasn't.

"Eliza!" you yelled running to her in the empty hallway. She smiled when she saw you but saw how upset you looked.

"He- Hey. Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked. She brought you into a hug but you got out of it before you broke down crying.

"I- -" you tried to say. She rubbed your arm reassuring you to continue. "I've been lying to you." you said. Her arm stopped caressing your arm and feel to her side.

"About?" she asked as the silence grew thicker and thicker. It was heavy and you didn't know how to tell her.

"I- - I was the one who took the last pudding cup." you fake cried. She gasped following along realizing that it was just an excuse for you to see her.

"What?! No!" she exaggerated. "I don't know how to take this information!" she cried.

"I'm sorry. I have failed you." you sighed getting on one knee holding your hands together and bowing your head making her laugh.

"Get up, cutie, and kiss me." she laughed. You smiled and pecked her on the lips as you walked hand in hand skipping last period together.

You don't keep any secrets from Allison except for ones that your friends tell you. Same goes for her. Although you two do gossip from time to time about secrets that don't matter anymore just to make sure no one gets hurt.

Bucky keeps no secrets from you at all. He constantly tells you things you never knew before just to help you get to know him better. You on the other hand don't really have any secrets but would sometimes make one up to make him feel better.

"Hey. Tell me something about you I never knew about." he smiled up at you as you two cuddle on a couch in the cheerleaders lounge. You held him as he laid onto of you and you smiled down at him.

"Uhh..." you trailed off. There was nothing that he didn't know. I mean..you don't really like veggies but he also knows that. "I'm... Yeah i got nothing." you sighed. He gave you a pouty face and sat on the other side of the couch making you sit crisscross from him. "What can i say..you already know everything about me Bucky." you smiled at him leaning closer.

"Why?" he whispered hanging his head low. "I wanted to learn more about you!" he protested shooting his head up and looking into your eyes.

That's when it came to you. "Well...you don't know that i love you." you smiled as a twinkle was clear in your eyes as you said those words to him.

"What?" he gasped. "You- - You love me?!" he squealed in awe jumping on the couch. You laughed nodding. He grabbed you into his arms, picking you up and spun you around. "I love you too." he said not spinning you anymore but still holding you up in his arms. He kissed you and began to spin you around again making you yell and laugh.

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