Chapter 13: Behind His Bangs

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The day of exams had passed, and our efforts in studying would be applied today. Not so much to my surprise, I had a hard time answering the questions. Maybe because I was too focused on Ja Rim's problems that I couldn't concentrate on studying much. It's safe to say that I had to guess half of my answers since I either forgot about them or didn't review them at all.

We had a plan that after the exam we would go to the karaoke to go a little crazy even though we are already crazy just spending time with each other and all gathered up at Ja Rim's classroom. We were about to leave when Gong Joo came leaping in joy.

"Ja Rim, exams are over," He happily said. "Let's go on a date."

"I have plans." As always, Ja Rim turned him down.

"What plans?"

"We planned to go to the karaoke room."

"Gosh, that sounds awesome," He sounded excited. "let's go together."

"Why would we go together?" She asked, "There will people you don't know there." She tried to find a way to make Gong Joo not go there. However, she ended up giving Gong Joo a reason to go.

"You could introduce them to your boyfriend," He pointed at himself before turning to both Min Ji and me "Right?"

"Right, Right." Knowing that Gong Joo was that desperate to spend time together with Ja Rim we had to agree.

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Ah Ram and Jin Hee were going crazy with their singing while we all just cheered at them. The door opened revealing Joo Young and Kyung Woo who had bought snacks that are supposedly for them but with Ah Ram here, they placed them beside her. The rest rushed to go to their seats pretending that nothing happened.

"Those are for you." Joo Young told Ah Ram.

"Joo Young is a really nice kid. You guys should get married." Ah Ram gestured to both Ja Rim and Joo Young.

Min Ji introduced her middle school friend, Bae Ji Yeon to the boys. They both greeted her, Joo Young introduced himself as Ja Rims's boyfriend, to which Bae Ji complimented him to be much cuter in person. Joo Young went and sat next to Ja Rim causing her to tense a little. She took her phone out and ignored him.

Sometime later, Joo Young had to force Kyung Woo to sing with him. Standing up the two began to sing. Ji Yeon who was at the front suddenly stood up and rushed to where Min Ji and I were seated.

"Did you say his name is Kyung Woo?" She asked looking at us and back to him. "Why is he so handsome?"

I looked at Kyung Woo who was busy singing the song Joo Young picked. Despite the lack of light in the room, it didn't fail to unveil his face.

His attractive face...

Realizing what I just observed, my eyes widened ever so slightly as I looked away and shook my head cringing and hating the fact that I was beginning to lose myself.

"He is handsome." I heard Jin Hee agree, "But his bangs are..."

"I know." Min Ji added.

Then after a short while, the tall one spoke up, "Should we push them back?"

"I'm a bit curious too, but isn't that a bit too much?" I asked worriedly. Surely he chose that hairstyle for a reason.

"Let's just do it." She didn't seem to listen to what I had just said and continued to make a plan. After a long debate as to who would do it. We ended up sacrificing Min Ji.

The song finished with Joo Young singing the last part to Ja Rim before they both took their seats. Kyung Woo being in front of us. And as if on cue two of their best friend entered the room reasoning that there were still a lot of room for them before taking seats next to Ah Ram.

That wasn't much on our focus now that Min Ji had stood up and signaled that she'll take the plan in action before seating down next to Kyung Woo. I could only contemplate whether or not it was something that we should be doing.

We watched Min Ji try all the things she could think of to push his hair which includes her artificially coughing at him to which he insulted her breath.

The final straw before he stood up was when Min Ji took her portable fan and brought it up too close to his face. I sighed at her tactic.

Why would you make it that obvious?

She looked back at us as we all hurdled at the back. Min Ji explained that she'll go to the bathroom to come up with more ideas while we would stay here. We agreed with her and took a seat back. Min Ji stood up and left.

I noticed Kyung Woo tossed the mic at his seat before following her. My heart began to quicken wondering what he was planning to do. A part of me wanted to go warn her but a part of me also said to stay and wait for her.

Minutes passed and my patience was running thin, I stood up and was about to check on them but stopped when I saw Kyung Woo enter. Seconds later, A sad, almost guilty-looking Min Ji entered.

She stopped nearby the door as she looked at Kyung Woo. Something definitely happened outside. Jin Hee started calling her and patted the seat for her to which Min Ji sat. Jin Hee was about to suggest the plan she had come up with before Min Ji told her to stop because it wasn't fun anymore. We all asked in curiosity but she refused to answer.

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"Did something happened?" I asked Min Ji as we walk side by side. The rest have already gone home and I offered to accompany Min Ji. Not because I wanted to know what happened but because she had been down and silent.

"Nothing." She replied.

"Have I ever told you you're bad at lying?" I told her, "You were very excited about planning before going to the restroom." I reasoned out. "And I saw Kyung Woo follow you."

"How observant you've always been." She said stopping when we reached the front door of her house.

"What's behind his hair..." she trailed. "It's something that might be humiliating for him." She didn't expound more as to what she had just said leaving me confused.

After we said our goodbye I was walking home alone wondering what Min Ji had just said. What did she mean?

What was humiliating for him?

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