Chapter 25: Broke

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"I was glad to be at the same route as Wang Ja Rim is but now..." In front of me was Ja Rim who was with Joo Young, the two were walking hand in hand like a lovey-dovey couple.

The school has once again started and the two have worked things out. I was glad for them, however, that meant I'll have to endure seeing them all act as a couple and suffer as the third-wheel sometimes.

"Wang Ja Rim probably felt the same way when you were dating." Kyung Woo casually told me. We were keeping a distance from the couple as we were right behind them.

It's been weeks since the incident happened, all of us have already moved on from it. Still, Kyung Woo heard what Jung Woo had told me during the day at the court and I'm not quite sure if he had overheard our short conversation outside the billiard hall. That being said, I couldn't help but worry that Jung Woo had told more.

"That's not true," I told him, Seo Jun had never once accompanied me to go to school together. Now that I'm thinking about it, it does feel sad.

How stupid was I back then?

"You're just gonna have to endure being single." He chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed, "Call one of your girls. Maybe then I won't feel bored having to walk with you to the bus station."

"Yah." He nudged my shoulder. "I'm not that boring. Plus, I don't have any girls."

I looked at him teasingly saying that I do not believe it.

"How bad do you see me?" He asked me, his tone seemed to have changed to a sad one. I didn't know if I should laugh or apologize. I didn't know why his tone was sad all of a sudden but at the same time, I might have offended him by calling him somewhat of a playboy.

"I never saw you as bad." I claimed hoping that it was enough to make him less sad.

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"Thankfully, it looks like you all came through the holidays unscathed." Our principal and homeroom teacher told us. "Raise your hands if your homework has been unscathed as well."

Most of the students, who obviously hadn't done their homework looked down or avoided eye contact with him. Well, despite everything that had happened and a little less time for me to do them I was still able to rush them last night. The problem is my answers. Since I had to rush them I mostly just wrote anything that appears in my mind. I didn't even have time to check what I wrote.

"Yang Ji Hoo." The principal called out.

"Yes, sir?" Ji Hoo stood up ready to do what the principal would task.

"Write the names of the people who didn't do their homework." He commanded.

Ji Hoo took his notebook and started to check everyone's assignments. Walking up to the front he proceeded to ask the students for their homework.

"Yoo Na." I heard Gong Joo whisper. Turning to him I mouthed a what.

"Let me copy some of yours, I didn't finish the last part."

Looking around to make sure no one was looking I discreetly gave him my assignment. Copying my answers is his choice.

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"Yoo Na, wait!" Ji Hoo stopped me from walking the hall.

"What?" I sighed crossing my arm. Throughout vacation and the entire morning, I've been doing my best to avoid him but I also knew I had to talk to him one day.

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