Chapter 1: The Lock's.

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It was a Wednesday morning, the Torres' came into work a little early, but McGee was already there.
"Hi guys!"
"HI McGee." Greeted both agent.
"How's Annie? We haven't seen her in a while."
"Yeah she's in a middle of her exams, she should come later today though." Said Ellie letting her bag fall on the ground.
"Oh yeah I forgot."
"She's been studying like crazy, we barely see her!" Complained Nick.
"Well, she wants to do great." said McGee.
"Yeah I know but I miss her."
"Torres, you litteraly see her everyday day." Pointed Bishop.
"I know but still..."
"Grab your gear, dead petty officer." Said Gibbs.

"Who is he?"
"The Lock family, they are apparently all dead, the dads and child."
"Lock? I know this name." Thought Torres out loud. He turned to look at his wife and she was frozen in place.
"Bishop?" asked Gibbs.
"It's- it's Finn's dad." said Ellie
"Crap." said McGee.
"Annie's best friend." Said Torres going to his wife.
"They're dead. How are we- how are we suppose to tell An? Her best friend- they've known each other for so long. How- how- how-"
"Okay, calm down babe, sit down."
"She's too young to go through this she's only 16 like- how?"
"We're gonna help her. Don't worry for now."
Right at this moment, Ellie got a text.
'Hi mom, I'll go at Finn's house after school, he's not here today and not answering his phone.'
"Crap crap crap!"
"An is planning on going to Finn's house! What do I do??"
"Uhm- Boss ? Can we go to An's school?"
"Yeah go, come with her if you want."
"Okay thanks."
"Boss! It's not a simple car accident, it was planned."

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