Chapter 16: Help.

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Nick and Annie stayed glued to each other for a long time because Annie eventually fell asleep.
Nick started to get up to carry Annie to Jack office but she tightened her grip on him.
"Okay, okay I'm not going anywhere An."
Nick looked at Ellie with a worried look on his face.
"I think she should talk to someone else than Jack." whispered Ellie.
Nick simply nodded.
Annie was shaking like a leaf.
"You're safe Annie, you're safe." he muttered.
After a little while Annie woke up with bloodshot eyes.
"Yeah?" he said taking her hair out of her face.
"Thank you..."
"No problem An, I'll always be here."
"Thanks..." she said getting up.
She was so weak that when she got up she almost fell but her mom caught her in time.
"You okay An ?"
"I need- Imma throw up-" she said running to the bathroom.
Ellie ran being her daughter to help her.
"Okay, I got you Annie." reassured her mom.
Horrible retching came from the teenager.
"IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP!" She screamed.
"I can't Annie, you need help from someone else than family."
"Please mom! Put me in a psychiatric hospital or I don't know but help me! I wanna die! It hurts!"
And that's out in the world.
Annie's depression took over.
It's one step closer to healing.
When Nick heard the confession of his girl he couldn't just wait outside.
Both he and Ellie struggled with suicide and depression. And they were both scared to ask for help.
So Annie's cry for help was taken extremely seriously.
"Okay Annie. Okay, I'm gonna call someone right now. You're gonna be okay." said her dad.
Nick made a few call and Annie got a place in a hospital not too far away.

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