Chapter 13: Fully Recovered.

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-a week after-

Annie was finally all recovered and could go on Finn's grave for the first time.
"Hi Finn. I know I haven't been there for you. I had a rough path but now I'm okay, better at least. My parents are redoing my room so we'll get our sport space! Oh, also, me and Johnny finally stopped being wusses. He's so nice and I'm really in love with him. I know you guys talked about me a lot and don't worry, I can protect myself. I'll come back later, love you Finn."
She left and went to school, with a smile on her face.
When she came home she just thought she was gonna have to do the ton of homeworks the teacher gave them but before that, she had a surprise.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
"Hey baby! Come here!"
"In the play room!"
"Okay, coming." she said putting her bag down.
She came home around 8 pm from Johnny's house so it wasn't suspicious for her parents to be home.
"What's u- oh my god!"
"You like it?" asked her mom skeptical.
"I like it? I FREAKING LOVE IT MOM! Thank you guys!"
The play room was a lot bigger than her room and now, it was hers.
After she thanked her parents, she sat on her bed and called her best friend, who didn't answer.
"I- I didn't think, I know you can't answer but, I have our dream room Finn! It's awesome I can't wait for you to see it!"
"Yes mom?"
"Uhm- you know Finn is not gonna pick up. He's gone. He won't see your room either baby."
"I know he's dead mom but- but I'm sure he'll see it from where he is. I need to- I need this to cope mom. Please let me talk to him..."
"Okay, okay, you can call him. But I would like you to see someone to talk about Finn." Ellie said hugging her.
"I don't- not now..."
"Okay, no problem, you'll tell me when you're ready."
"Thank you."
"Now, let's go for a run."
"You haven't run with dad and I since- forever, actually."
"Oh I don't run anymore, and I'm not coming."
"Why don't you run?"
"Bad memories."
"The hit and run?"
"How- who told you about that?"
"Don't be mad at her."
"I'm not, don't worry. Do you wanna run?"
"Yup, tell dad the last one outside has to buy a treat for the other!" Annie said excited.

They went for a run and everything was almost back to normal, the only thing missing was Finn.

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