Chapter 14: Gibbs.

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Ellie woke up to a punching sound coming from her daughter's room.
"Nick, Nick do you hear that?"
"Do you hear that sound?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"It's coming from An's room."

"Can we come in?"
"Can you stop punching the bag please?"
"I need to do that to- calm down."
"Why aren't you calm?"
"Because I was stretching when I realized I haven't talk to grandpa Gibbs since- Finn's  death. And I don't know if I can go talk to him with that much anger in me."
"You're angry with Gibbs? Woahoahoah! You're definitely like your mother." joked Nick.
"Not funny dad."
"Okay well now it's three A.M. and you'll talk to grandpa Gibbs tomorrow. You need to rest ba-"
"I bruised my knuckles. GOD I'M SO STUPID!"
"Annie calm down! You're not stupid, just tired." said her mom.
Nick saw the look on her face and knew what to do.
"Okay An, you shower, and meet me in the car. I know what you need. Fix this hand too."
"Okay, okay."
Bishop looked at her husband and got what he meant right away.

"We're going to the gun range?"
"Where then?"
"Right here." Nick said parking in front of a house.
"I'm not ready to talk to him yet." An said looking at her grandpa's door.
"You will never be ready An. I'm waiting here."
"Okay..." she said getting out of the car.

Gibbs was working on his boat when he heard footstep coming from the stairs.
"Hi Annie." he said without looking up.
"You knew I would come didn't you?"
"I'm not here to apologize Gibbs."
"I know that."
"I'm pretty sure I hurt you, it wasn't my intention. But that day I really felt like I was nothing compared to the NCIS."
"I'm sorry. I'm breaking a rule because I'm sorry I hurt you. But I'm not sorry for doing my job. And you know that was what I was doing. I know you know that I was protecting you by not going in there. I know you know all of this. But I get why you're upset. And hurt."
"Was. Well I'm still hurt but I'm not upset anymore. I need you grandpa, more than you know. But I lost Finn and I thought that- that- that you would just- I can't- I can't breathe- I- I-"
"Annie come here." said Gibbs seeing his granddaughter having a panic attack.
"I can't- I can't-"
"Don't try to talk, sit down."
"I- I- no- I-"
"Can I take you in my arms?"
She nodded.
Gibbs hugged her tightly.
"Deep breaths An, deep breath." He whispered rubbing her back.
"Can't- breathe-" she gasped.
It wasn't the first time she had a panic attack. She took her mom's anxiety and had her first one when she was 7. Gibbs always managed to calm her down.
"Yes you can baby, just-" he said taking a deep breath for her to copy him. "take a deep breath."
After a few minutes she calm down and that's only when Gibbs noticed the band-aid on her hand.
"Your hand?"
"I punched the bag too hard for too long."
"I fucked up, I know."
He sighed.
"Mom said it'll get better but- I don't know how it'll get better..."
"Time doesn't fix everything, but it helps."
"You sound like a fortune cookie."
"Plus, I heard you have a boyfriend to help you through it."
"Yeah, Johnny's awesome."
"I'm happy for you An."
"Thank you."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay Gibbs."

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