Chapter 17: Back Home.

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-three months later-

Anniela hasn't seen her parents in three months. It was hard. But it was for her health.
Eleanor and Nicholas haven't seen their daughter in three months. It was hard. But it was for her health.
Today was the day Annie could come home.
"Mom! Dad!"
"Hey baby!"
"Ready to come home?" Nick asked hugging his daughter.
"More than ever."
They got to their place, Annie went into her room and-
"Oh my- Johnny! You're here! You're really here!?"
"Of course I'm here babe! I missed you!"
"I missed you too! You grew so tall like you're 10 inches taller!"
"No I'm not you just- shrunk."
"Hey!" Annie complained laughing.
"I love you Annie."
"I love you too Johnny." she said leaning in to kiss him. "So, how was this trip to Seattle?"
"It was great. Well, the first three days were great and then it became boring but yeah it was great."
"What did you-"
"I don't want to talk about it An."
"Oh- okay. We can talk about-"
"I don't want to talk. If you don't want to talk can we please not talk I just- I wanna hug you and never let go." he said tearing up.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, we don't have to talk."
"I just- I just missed you so much. I was so scared when my dad called me explaining what happened. I can't- I should've-"
"Hey, no. Don't blame yourself. I'm so sorry I scared you. You couldn't have done anything-"
"Maybe I cou-"
"No you couldn't. Because I was the only one that could help me. I was getting eaten by myself and my demons and I'm the only one that can fix that."
"I'm sorry!" Johnny said now crying.
"Okay, okay, it's okay, you don't have anything to apologize for. You did everything you could. You did so freaking great. I love you."
"I'm sorry An! "
Annie got up and went to hug Johnny.
"I'm so sorry..." he whispered.
"How about that? We watch a movie while cuddling. Then we fall asleep and tomorrow's a whole new day."
"Yeah, yeah okay, sounds good." he said sniffling.
*knock knock*
"Go away! We're busy!"
"What the heck busy means?! You guys better not be sleeping together or I promise I'll kill one of you!"
"Dad calm down! Come in! You'll see by yourself..."
Nick came in and saw them cuddling and-
"Yeah, yeah better."
"Anyway, what's up?"
"Nothing, just you didn't came down for a long time and-"
"Dad, I promise you I'm not ready to have sex. Relax."
"Yeah, okay. I'm calm."
He left and Annie and Johnny just laughed.

"Nick!" she said mockingly.
"I'm not joking El!"
"Woah what's up?"
"When did I become this- this protective over Annie?!"
"Oh Spanish accent, this is serious. Uhm- probably when she punched this guy in 2cnd grade."
"No! When I got pregnant you were already overprotective Nick."
"When we talked about having a baby- when we started trying. I didn't think I would be like this. I thought you would be like this."
"Sorry but I always pictured myself as the chill dad."
"Well it's okay, you do need to chill a bit like if she has sex- And don't cringe at this word because we did way more than just casual sex! Anyway, if she has sex, she's not stupid. She knows protection, she knows she can come to us if she needs. If you want she can go get tested for stds."
"Ellie I don't want her to grow up."
"Well, it's her birthday in less than a month, which means she's almost 17. So I'm pretty sure she's growing up."
"I know El, I know... I still don't like it."
"She'll be okay babe, don't worry. We raised her good and she has a lot of family."

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