Chapter 18: Ready.

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-three months later-

"I'm ready." said Annie sitting at the dinning table.
"Ready for?" Asked her mom.
Nick choked on his water.
"Oh, okay, do you need, or want to talk about it?" asked Ellie looking at Nick.
"Uhm- no I don't really have anything to say. Just that Johnny and I have been together for a while now and I trust him with my life and I trust myself too. I know if I change my mind he'll respect me and same for me. I just, wanted you to know."
"Have you talk with Johnny about it?" asked Bishop.
"Yeah a little. I don't know when it's gonna happen or anything but I know you guys trust me and I want you to know in case something goes wrong."
"What could possible go wrong?! Do you plan on getting pregnant?!" Asked Nick panicked.
"No dad! Of course not! Just because I'm ready for sex does not mean I'm ready for motherhood!"
"Okay, okay. Well thank you An to... Share that with us."
"No prob. I just have one question."
"Oh boy..." sighed Nick.
"Go ahead." said her mom.
"Do you have any advice? Nothing to precise just- some warnings or I dunno."
"Uhm- Knowing your body is important, in my opinion. As you know, you are allowed to say yes then no at any moment. Changing your mind is okay. Also, it might hurt. It's normal, don't freak out. If you feel like something is wrong just tell us. And then of course protection. You wanna take the pills? Or condoms is easier?"
"Woah I'm not ready for this conversation." said Nick going out.
"Is dad mad at me?" An asked worried.
"No he's not mad. He just- doesn't want you to grow up."
"I don't- I don't want him to be ashamed by me or anything. I- I-" An said tearing up and breathing heavily.
"Hey, calm down baby, your dad just loves you so much he's not ready for you to grow up. Each steps of your life was and is gonna be like that, don't worry."
"I'm still his daughter. Maybe I should wait a little longer I-"
"Annie, don't take your dad in consideration. If you're ready and the person you're doing it with is ready, then it's okay. It's up to the both of you. Not your dad, and not me."
"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna talk to him."
"Okay. I love you baby."
"Oh before I go, maybe condoms for starters? I'll forget to take the pill everyday."
"Okay, no problems An."
"Thank you mom, I love you."
"I love you too."

"Dad?" Annie asked seeing her dad sitting on the porch.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Mad? Of course I'm not mad! I'm just never gonna be ready for you to grow up. And sex is just- a big step."
"I know but I really love him dad. And I'm ready. I like my body and I'm comfortable with him seeing it."
"It's great baby, don't ever think I'm mad at you for discovering the world. I love you."
"I love you too."

After all those months, those steps the Torres' family took, they were closer than ever. It's still hard for Annie to talk about Finn, but she knows he's watching over her. It's been three years, Johnny and Annie are still together and Nick isn't so scared for his only child to grow up. Annie is training to be a federal agent and has all the support she needs. Life did get better.
So will yours.
Keep going.

A/N It's the last chapter! Thank you for the votes and comments! The new one is coming on February 1st and is called 'Babe'.

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