Chapter 3: I Can Help.

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"Hi An, you wanna talk?"
"I'm fine, you guys should be working on the Lock's case, what are you doing staring at me?" She said calmly.
Her parents came in and now everyone stared at them.
"Anniela !"
"We have to find them!"
"And we will, us, not you." said Gibbs dryly.
"I might be able to help and you guys know that! He's my best friend, I know more about him than anyone. So yes me."
"I'm not gonna apologize!"
"You're gonna calm down An!" yelled her dad.
"I'm calm, you're the one yelling."
"Okaaaaay... Annie, I want you to come with me and tell me what you think can be useful for the case." interrupt Jack.
"Okay, yeah okay."
Jack and Annie went in Jack's office while Bishop and Torres looked at their daughter feeling powerless.
"She hasn't cried yet..." whispered Ellie.
"I know babe. I know..." he whispered back.
"She's gonna explode if she doesn't express her feelings, we both know that Nick."
"We can't force her El, she's like us, if we do it'll only end up with her being mad at us."
"He's right Bishop. I know you want the best for Annie but she needs you to find the person who did this."

"Okay Annie, do you have any idea who could be after Finn's family?"
"Uhm- Finn told me about a fight his dad and another officer got into. I don't know who is the guy, Finn didn't have a name. He was taller than his dad though."
"Okay, well I think I have everything."
"Okay well Imma go back down stairs-"
"Annie wait."
"I don't need to talk auntie. I'm fine."
"So was your mom when she almost killed someone for your dad." Jack whispered.
"Jack! We said no talking about Xavier!" Ellie said passing in front of Jack's door.
"You almost killed someone for dad?"
"Yeah I was- I was dumb, don't do that." Said Ellie looking at Jack with deadly eyes.
"Okayyy- see you later Jack!" Said Annie leaving the office with her mom.
"He's dead..."
"I know baby, it'll be okay..." Ellie whispered in her daughter's hair.
"How do you know? Did it pass with uncle Clay?"
"It still hurts sometimes, but it's less hard then it was at first."
"But you still miss him?"
"Yeah... And we'll miss them forever baby... It's okay."
"I can't cry mom. It's not that I'm too proud or anything I just- I just can't."
"It's okay, you'll cry if you feel like it."
"I love you mom."
"I love you too An."

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