Chapter 2: No It's Not True.

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"How are we going to tell her? She's stress enough like that!"
"El, she can't have you stressing out like that, she's gonna need us."
"I know, I know..."
They went into the school, flashed their badges and a lady went to get Anniela.
"Mom? Dad? What are- Finn."
Anniela knew Finn's dad was in the Navy and knew not seeing him but seeing her parents couldn't be great.
"Annie baby-" started Ellie.
"No, no, no!" Annie screamed knowing what was coming next. "He can't- he's not dead!" she started to shake and her dad took her in a tight embrace. "HE'S NOT DEAD!"
"An, Finn and his dads were on a car accident, none of them make it." whispered her dad.
"No!... Please tell me it's a prank." Anniela wasn't crying, she wouldn't, not at school.
"It's gonna be okay baby." said her mom coming into the hug.
"Can I see him?" Annie asked taking a deep breath.
"Yeah, of course."
"Let me- I'm gonna go grab my stuff." she said leaving.
She came back and they all went to the Navy Yard.

The rest of the team came back and Gibbs went to Jack's office.
"Jack we have a problem!"
"Whoa calm down cowboy, what's up?"
"I'm not calming down! The best friend of my granddaughter is dead! Her parents are bringing her in right now!"
Gibbs had a particular bond with Annie. Ever since she was born.
"Whoa- Finn's dead?"
"YEAH! And his dads! "
"What happened?"
"Planned car accident."
"Well, I'm gonna come down with you and wait for Annie. She's strong don't worry."
"She's gonna bottle up her feelings."
"Well... She is Torres and Bishop's child after all."
"I know..."
After this talk, Gibbs and Sloane went back into the bullpen and the Torres' family came in at the same time.
"Annie..." started McGee.
She didn't answer, put her bag down and went in autopsy.

"Hi An..." said Jimmy sadly.
Annie's parents were following her and nodded to make Jimmy understand.
"Okay, he's not in a good shape, he' s not the Finn you-"
"I've seen dead bodies before, I'm ready uncle Jimmy."
And like that he lifted the sheet covering Finn's head.
She took his hand in hers.
"I'm gonna find them. And when I do, I'm gonna get revenge. I love you best friend."
Annie and Finn's relationship was strictly friendly, but they loved each other in a way other than love. Nobody understood.
"Annie, you're not going to kill the people who killed them." Said her dad.
"I never said I will." she replied dryly and when back upstairs.

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