Chapter 10: Coma.

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After a few hours, Anniela was still sleeping, but Nick had a feeling.
"She's not sleeping, I'm calling someone."
"Nick she is-"
"NO! I have a feeling Ellie, she's not sleeping there's something wrong. I'm getting someone!"
He ran and went to get a nurse.
"Call doctor Milson!" said the nurse.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Sir, I need you and your wife to go outside."
"Tell us what's wrong with our daughter!" Yelled Ellie.
"She might've went in a coma. Now, I know it's scary, but get out!"
"Oh my-"
Nick took his wife arm and they went into the waiting room.
"You knew there was- and I didn't--you knew-"
"It's okay, it'll be okay baby, she'll be okay." Whispered Nick crying.
"Our baby..." cried Ellie.
"Bishop? Torres? Where's Annie?" asked Gibbs coming in to talk to his granddaughter.
"She- they say she's in a coma." sniffled Ellie.
"What? Why? What happened?"
"We don't know anything. Gibbs, what do we do if she- if she"
"Don't think about it yet. She's a fighter. She's yours." Gibbs reassured her hugging her. "Come here." He said opening an arm for Torres.
"I can't lose my girl Gibbs, I just can't-"
"And you won't, don't worry too much."
They sat and wait for 30 minutes.
"Anniela isn't exactly in a coma. However, her body did shut down. We're confident she's gonna wake up, but we can't tell you when."
"Why? I mean why did her body shut down?"
"Anxiety and overwhelmness caused it."
"Okay, okay. Can we see her?"
"Yeah, yeah of course."
"Gibbs, can you call Johnny please?"
"Yeah, of course."

"Babe ?"
"I love you, and her."
"I love you too, and her."
"When she comes home, I think we should do something for her. Like something she would really like."
"She talked about a room makeover, with more space to do sports and all, she calculated everything. I wanted to do this for her birthday but I think it's best if we do it when she comes home, considering."
"Yeah it's a good idea."

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