Chapter 9: I Love You.

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"Okay, Anniela is still unconscious but we gave her fluids. She's however extremely weak and will be for a few days. We're gonna keep her here tonight for observation but if everything goes well you'll be able to take her home tomorrow."
"Can we see her?"
"Yeah, this way."
Ellie and Nick both went in her room.
"Dad- mom-" Annie whined in pain.
"Yeah, we're here, we're not leaving."
"I had such a bad dream... Finn was dead. His dads too."
"Baby, it's not a dream, it happened, Finn is gone."
"It did seam too real... I miss him already..."
"It's okay to miss him An." said her dad.
"There's someone waiting to see you."
"Hey kiddo."
"Hey Johnny."
"How are you feeling?"
"Numb. You?"
"Better now that you're awake. You scared me."
"I didn't know I was falling until I hit the ground."
"I guess, it's okay."
"He's gone..."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"It's not you're fault Johnny."
"I know, but still." he said tearing up.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I- I have to tell you something." he said looking at her parents.
Nick swallowed.
"Well, we're gonna go update the others." said Ellie.
"Okay." agreed Annie. "So, what's up?"
"I fell in love."
"Oh, whoa, oh, okay, uhm. Who are they?"
"No, I mean, it's you, it's Anniela Sofia Torres."
"Oh I- I-"
"Let me finish please. I know you're dealing with the death of Finn. And I would've like to wait to tell you this, when you're better. But I can't risk losing you without you knowing that you are so- so perfect to me. And that I love you. You can take your time and think about it. "
"Johnny, I don't need to take my time. I know how I feel. I'm pretty sure I love you too. You saved my life more than once and I'm so grateful for that."
She smiled and he kissed her.
"Gneeeeeh!" said Nick, closing his eyes, because he came in on them.
"Dad, I'm 16, get over it."
"Still! You're my baby girl."
"Nick, you're annoying now." said Ellie. "I'm proud of you guys."
"Thanks..." whispered Annie as the medecine was tiring.
She drifted back to sleep.

"Mom! Dad!" Said Johnny going back to the waiting area.
"I told Anniela how I feel, guess who's not single!"
"Yaaay!" exclaimed Delilah.
McGee was... Skeptical.
"I'm proud of you Johnny, but if you hurt her, I'll hurt you." Tim said joking.
"I'm not planning on hurting her anyway so.."

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