Chapter 6: Do You Like Her?

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"Annie's asleep." Said McGee coming down stairs.
"Your son as a power on Annie, she's always calmer when he's around" Stated Ellie.
"Gneh." Said Gibbs, McGee and Torres.
"They have a thing going on." Said Jack smirking.
"Shut up!" said all three men again.
Morgan, Jack and Ellie all started laughing.
"You're okay with that?!" asked Torres to his wife.
"She's 16, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later. If it happens with Johnny it's even better because we know him, and we know his parents, she's safe with him."
"Yeah maybe, but I still don't like it."
Annie and Johnny came back and Ellie took Johnny apart.
"Thank you for Annie Johnny."
"No problem but- she still didn't cry."
"She's not ready, I hope you'll be here when she is."
"I'll always be here, she's Annie. She was there for mom's appointments, I'll be here forever."
"Do you- do you like her?"
"Of course, she's-"
"If you say 'my sister' I'll kill you because my husband told me that before. And I'm clearly not his sister. Finn showed us today that life can be short-"
"Ellie I-"
"No, let me finish. Maybe wait a little, but you should tell her how you feel."
"What if she doesn't feel the same? What if I ruin what we have?"
"Don't think too much John, you'll be surprise of what happen when you don't think that much."
"Whoahoah! You're the one saying that El?"
"Shut up!" She said and they went back to the bullpen laughing.

"You- you- you know where he is?!"
"We have to go An, stay here, we love you!" screamed her dad.
"Oh my- Oh my- I can't- I can't- Finn-"
"Okay, okay, it'll be okay, I'm here.."  said Johnny hugging her.
"I don't need a hug. I need him. I need the guy!" She shouted pushing Johnny away.
"Annie calm down, come with me." said Jack.
"NO! I'M NOT GONNA CALM DOWN! LET ME ALONE!" She yelled waiting in front of the elevator.
"Baby com-"
"Okay, okay."
They all watched Anniela waiting in front of the elevator for a while.
"Hey bro." said Morgan to Johnny.
"She'll come around, you know how important was Finn to her, don't be too harsh."
"On who?"
"You and her. She'll come around bro."
The elevator opened up and Annie planted her nails in her skin to calm down at seeing his face.
The team went into the interrogation room and Johnny went to Annie.
"Okay, enough Annie." he said taking her hands in his. "Come with me."
She looked up with teary eyes and the hug was the final bow, she finally cried.
"Yeah, it's okay, you're doing great."

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