• This is all We Know •

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Wooyoung's POV

When I woke up I was in my quarters, there was someone sitting in the chair beside my bed, but I could barely identify them, my mind still hazy from just waking up.

If it wasn't for the stricking red I would have not realized who it was but the colour stood out a little too much for me to not recognize who it was.

"Hongjoong-ssi"  I said as loud as I can after waking up from my slumber.

"Call me hyung, that's too formal for me, not my style." He said with a casualness surrounding his voice. Something about him always reminds me of that 'the usual' type of persona, one that never changes and has the same effect whenever.

I nodded, my face must have given him the hint of utter confusion because he soon started talking again.

"I'm here because I um wanted to give you this." He said while taking out something from the huge pockets of his baggy trousers. I squinted to be able to see what exactly was it.

"My music box!"

Oh my god, my music box. I leapt forward and basically snatched the little wooden craft from him. I cradled the little box, holding it close, all this time it was safe and I had not lost it.

"Thank you, thank you so much Hongjoong hyung. I cannot thank you enough for this, I will forever be in your depth" and with that a single tear fell from my right eye. I looked at him trying to muster up the most sincere of face but feeling like I was failing.

This box is my everything.

"Hey, don't cry it's okay. See its here with you now. So, don't cry hmn?" He said softly while lifting his hand rubbing my back, I appreciated the gesture and tried to stop my sniffles and tears.I thanked again unable to stop myself from doing so. He finally stopped me by threatening me to help seonghwa with dusting. I froze and forced to not to say anymore of thankyous to him.

Now don't get me wrong I do not hate Seonghwa or anything I just can't for the love of god do any cleaning work with him, it's impossible to work with him he is just too particular about his work.

"Uh, Wooyoung if you don't mind me asking can I ask you why is that music box so important to you? I mean I was not any better myself to force you to go down on you knees and beg, but you did it! And to think that you did that just for this music box despite a being crown prince, why?" He looked at me clearly confused.

"I mean you don't have to answer it if you don't want to." He quickly added afraid that he might have offended me by asking such question.

I looked at him and smiled softly, "it's okay hyung, I dont mind you asking me that. If anything you brought this back to me safely you deserve to know why is this little wooden music toy, worth a treasure to me." I said now smiling big and proud at him. He nodded and mirrored my smile.

" Hyung you remember the The great war, 16 years ago?" I asked him.

" Why yes I do Wooyoung, who can forget that disaster." He said back as a matter of fact.

"Okay then get comfy, Well at the very first night when the attacks started................

" Areum, take Junho and Wooyoung and leave with guards, Gardenia kingdom had already been attacked and their young prince is now missing" the king of Aurora said all the while rushing through the hallways of the palace. He was concerned for his family, his wife and his sons.

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