• Getting ready •

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Author's POV

The prince was getting more and more anxious the closer they were getting to the Kingdom of Sapphire. In his defence never in his life was he forced to take such action, for a prince such a measure is rather a trait of cowardice but with his limited sword skills and the mere fact that he was outnumbered, facing seven pirates head on is a foolish choice, and a wish to death.

And he was not a fool, he had a whole kingdom waiting for him, a reign to rule. He needed to take each step with utmost caution. This is a matter of life and death for him. In the past 4 days he had been on the ship all of them have been considerably nice to him even the red head. Except of course San would never let go of any opportunity he gets to belittle the young heir.

The one thing that do thoroughly surprised Wooyoung was the childish bickering that he was an audience to a little too often. Sometimes even San was on one of the side in the bickering. This side of pirates left him speechless, he would often find himself doubting his initial thoughts for the pirates. Perhaps they are not just ruthless murderers, maybe more then that.

But he would not let himself be hindered by these thoughts. For he needed his absolute focus on his escape and he did just that. Channeling through all the members work schedules and who and how often they visit the pantry that was Wooyoung's escape.

The prince would keep a close eye on the captain and would try to eavesdrop on as much discussion as he can, sometimes deliberately entering to clean his cabin when he was talking about the next stop with others. And good for him he was never suspected for it.

His plan of acting like a dumb, innocent and afraid-of-slightest-tremor persona did paid off and now no matter what he does in the name of cleaning and organizing he is given a complete authority to go through all quarters and drawers to get his task done. But he only looked for what he could use nothing more than that.

On the night before the morning when they were going to stop at Sapphire's port. He sat in the gig that he was given on the very first night, it was a lot more cleaner as he took it upon himself to not spend another night in it without making the space look at least inhabitable. When he laid back at the hard mattress, he pulled out his music box and started playing the music.

Feeling delighted enough, as much as he can considering that he was held captive as a slave. He thought about all the new experience he had. He was never in his life beaten before, and on the night of his capture he was slapped, kicked and suffocated to death, nearly, he still can't believe he survived that. He felt proud in himself to not loose hope.

He was forced to do all the brooming, mopping, dusting but he took it as something new to learn. As a prince he never reserved himself to only higher jobs with no labour and full respect. He was always open minded and was ready to try all sorts of jobs and experiences blame it on his mother's curious nature that was further passed to him, he even tried gardening with royal gardeners. When here his dear friend Jongho offered him assistance and tough him all sorts of odd jobs his inner self  was surprisingly agreeable to all.

His favourite has to be cooking, not because he was extremely good at it  and he was even rudely complimented by members of the ship that he was indeed good at it. But because he loved cooking, he felt utterly elated by doing it, Oh he is definitely going to try it more often back at palace.

Talking about palace, he misses his father and mother a lot he can't wait to see them and fall in their warm embrace. He will be leaving tomorrow, leaving behind six strange pirates and a good friend. All his time here he had told Jongho all about palace and his kingdom. About a lot of royal customs and even told the younger how he can always come to his palace and he will be welcomed with open arms.

He trusted Jongho enough to give him the forbidden words that only close to royalty knows and allows them the access to palace. He really was concerned for the younger, with Jongho's kind heart this was no place and this was no way in which he should spend his life.

His mind then wondered off to the biggest enigma, Shoi can. Wooyoung can't help but think the man was all bark and no bite with the way he treated Wooyoung from the second night on the ship. Providing him a mattress and clean pair of clothes daily. And even giving him a seat on the table for meals.

There was no doubt in the way the pirate was treating him that he has gotten warmed up to the young heir's presence on the ship. He would often help him lifting heavy sacs and ropes and will teach Wooyoung things he couldn't by himself. One odd thing that do made Wooyoung's heart leap out of his bone cage is those rare moments when the pirate would get extremely close to him.

He could feel the breaths lingering on his bare neck or near his ears. He could clearly hear the sniffs that the pirate used to steal whenever he was near him. Making Wooyoung feel everything but okay.

Whatever, he was leaving soon anyways.

Wooyoung's POV

I was about to slip into dreamland when I heard footsteps from the hallway coming to the cell I was in. I was half expecting it to be Jongho but considering the twisted destiny that I have how could things possibly go right for me in any way.

And yes by that I mean it was Choi San. He came to my cell and opened it making the bars rattle." Wow, your royal ass literally cleaned this shitty cell." My face scrunched in distaste at his vulgar language and I simply avoided his eyes. Christ, I was just about to sleep I needed all that energy for tomorrow's great escape.

"I'm just here to tell you that, tomorrow we'll be at the port of Sapphire. You better not have any plans of running away although I'll make sure you don't even so much as reach the deck, let alone escape the ship." He said calmly, but there was this strange tinge of warning in his words.

My neck snapped at him meeting his eyes with all the anger that my heart had harbored. " Why are you doing this?" I asked him raising voice after a long time had caused my voice to break childishly. " You cannot keep me here forever as your slave!" I yelled again my weak body seething with frustration.

Suddenly the atmosphere of the small cell dropped. I looked away from him, out of instincts. It was not the prettiest sight to see when he was angry. When I heard the footsteps approaching, I tried to make myself look smaller and smaller.

He will hit me . He will beat me again.

Instead of getting a hard hit, I recieved a hard push and I was swiftly backed against the cell wall. I knew struggling won't get me anywhere so I just let him corner me. I was scared though and so I refused to look up.

"Challenging me now, huh?" He said leaning in my space and getting awfully closed to my ear.
"I will keep you here forever, until you and I we both rot in time. You are trapped here and nobody can save you from me." He said into my ears, his breath causing me to shiver visibly.

"You. Are. My. Ficking. Slave." He said hiting the wall next to my head after every word. "Get it into you ficking head" He said leaving but not before harshly pushing me against the wall again.


Well this was mostly the filler before the escape and all the drama.
And I must warn you for the next chapter already it had rape attempt, but like ATTEMPTED rape  not rape please and nothing too detailed just the incentive and that too will disappear as quick as it came. I'm not a monster who fantasizes such crime but it is where my story takes a different turn so I had to.

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