• The Prince is All mine •

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Author's POV

Deep hazel eyes, sparkling majestically in the bright sun greedily eyeing everything and anything about the sea, as if they will never come across again.
Soft brown hair dancing in the salty breeze of the ocean, excitement dripping through his features young prince was beyond happy, absolutley thrilled with water mass.

Yet innocent mind, unaware of coming danger.

While the royal ship was merrily sailing through the blue paradise, unknown to the dark flags flapping fast
due to the unstoppable pace of the black bewitching ship, striding fast toward the direction the royal vessel. At this point Precious was roaring as if wanting to destroy all that falls in it's way, wanting to sail on the royal ship's rubble and broken planks.

And the one on the wheel steering the sailing wrath had a devilishly charming curl on the corner of their lips. As if the Satan was on a hunt today.

Wooyoung's POV

It was getting dark, and we already had our dinner. I was tired from all the ruckus my eyes can't help but droop. My personal guard saw this and called a maid. She came soon after the call, walking fast on the deck reaching out her hand for me to take, I knew her ahe was from the castle and so I took her hand." His majesty must be tired, I'll guide to your royal quarters, here follow me" she said in low voice, I appreciated the hushness. I lazily followed her and reached our room. I went to take a bath, drowning myself in the scented water up till my nose.

When I came out of the bath, my nightwear were already layed out on the dresser close by. I changed clumsily, wasting no time in getting under the soft silk sheets, which were warm as well. I looked on the table near the bed and there was a glass of milk with puffs of vapour coming out, when it was warm enough I look it in my hands and drinked it. Feeling fed and warm inside I quickly drifted of to dreamland.

Thump Thump Thump faint falling and clinking noices came...........


"Huh" I woke up dumbfounded, two royal guards came stomping in my room, I was confused was I dreaming? They got in and closed the door behind beginning to hurriedly push the furniture to block it. I was still very very confused.

"Price we need to evacuate now, we are being attacked. Attacked by pirates." He said breathlessly.

Then it clicked to me the faint shouting noices, the muffled foot stomps and sword clings. Oh god, OH GOD.

"W-wha-what do w-we do now?" My trembling voice broke out, merely audible.

They both looked back as if right now realizing that I was scared. Their eyes switching from panicked to soft. "Oh his majesty, you don't have to be afraid there is a secret passage below your bed that will lead us to small store room with a small boat. We will get you out of here safe." He said bravely.

It wasn't much of a reassurance but before I could come up with a reply there was a powerful push on the door the stool kept at the very top of furniture in front came tumbling down.
I was suddenly jerked towards my bed and they both pushed it aside effortlessly.

One of them jumped down, then called out for me to jump. I hesitantly jumped and he caught me in his arms. Considering the fact that I was quite small he carried me around the store room to the boat not wasting time.

I looked back but the other guard was not there." He is not coming back, he is trying to give us as much time as possible" he said in a hoarse voice. Soon there was a huge thump and another and another. Then came the wild roaring of the pirates.

Before the royal guard could get the boat in the water he was harshly pushed in the freezing water. And I was tucked out of the boat rather easily as two hands slipped underneath arms lifting me mid air, I squeaked surprised.

" well looks like we finally got our hands on Aurora's treasure, ooohh San is going to be so happy to finally have a Prince, a royal, as his servant." Said a man with red flaming hair. He pulled me again, very harshly.

I finally looked up and all I could see was two other men standing behind him clothes stained with red dripping blood. That's when the first tear fell of my left eye. I wiggled a bit trying to set myself free. But they were too strong.
The man holding me down probably got angry, as he slapped me harshly , right across my face. I stopped and let the tears flow down, but suppressed all the noices, threatening to come out.

They tied my wrist and loosely sauntered to the deck, along the way I saw all the royal staff and guards laying around in their own pool of blood that's when I realized what was going to happened to me. And I let out a noice from the back of my throat, the blond haired on look behind and looked ahead again, the red and the black haired one looked behind at me and laughed.

As soon as we reached the deck, there stood five other men. One of them had their back turned at me. I cried again when I was brutally kicked to the floor, that's when the man turned, and god was I trembling. He was so deadly beautiful that all I could do was look down from how strong his gaze was.

"Good job Hongjoong, looks like now we have a new slave to work up. And look he already looks so well disciplined, bowing his head to all of us." He said in mocking tone.

Suddenly a sword was slipped right underneath my chin, and my head was lifted up." No doubt you are a royalty, that beauty gives it off too easily", he said leaning in closer to me. And then he sniffed me??

After a few dreaded seconds he backed off and looked down at me, his gaze speaking for itself, as if calling me a lowlife. His next words sparked something in me, I don't know what, but I was way to much traumatized at the moment to comprehend exactly what was I feeling.

"Looks like the little Prince is all mine now"....

I honestly don't know at this point....

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