• Let's Go •

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Crash, thump thump thump, crash, thump.
For the past 2 hours such noices accompanied by loud shouts or muffled talks were the only sounds bouncing in castle. Why, you may ask? Because the whole castle was preparing for their 1st Prince's a week long journey, making sure that everything that he need or might need is boarded on the royal ship with him.But why make such a big deal about it?

It was the first time ever that the young prince was leaving the castle grounds for more than mere hours and without King and Queen. Saying that the royal staff and royal family and royal ministers were nervous would be an understatement.

As the prince was busking in excitement, same was not the case for the others around him. It very known to everyone in the Aurora kingdom that the pirate attacks are getting more frequent. And the news which came three days ago that a pirate ship has attacked a royal ship was making situation worse. Thus, not everyone was on the same page on this week long sailing to another kingdom.

You see Prince Wooyoung was loved and cherished alot by everyone around him. Being the first born in royal family, the awaited heir to throne and with those alluring yet innocent looks he inherited from the queen especially, his persona was made to trap anyone in his charms, and that was exactly what happened with people of the kingdome they were all in love with the young heir.

But with love came the protectiveness, which was often suffocating for the prince, but being the kind human that he was he never complained. For according to him everyone had their own way of expressing their love and he respected it all. For him things were never too complicated as a youth who was always shielded by the cruelty of the outside world, the harsh reality, the fact that life is not a bed of rose but a bush of thorn for others, he was kept far far away from pain, hunger, struggle. He was untouched, absolutley pure.

Although, that was all about to change soon very soon. For the young prince was about to experience something that will turn his life upside down forever.

Wooyoung's pov

"Wooyoung-ah, did you kept your pillow or not? I don't want you to have any sore muscles when you wake up. And what about the medicine for seasickness did you asked the servants to pack it? Oh and-" ah here she goes again, I gently placed my palms on both of her shoulder and looked up at her, she was slightly tall.

"I did mumma, all of it. Everything has been taken care of, the luggage is already on it's way to the ship and so is everyone EXCEPT me." I said in soft tone raised my voice a little at the end.

" yeah I know, my Wooyoungie is a big boy now, why would he need a doting old women like me to remind him of his needs." Said the queen while taking a seat on one of the plush couches in the room.

"That's not what I mean and you know that maa. I will always need you more than I can think, more than you can imagine"i said crouching on my knees and bringing my head in her lap.

"Did you keep the music box?"she asked while caressing her fingers in my hair, oh god I'll miss her.

"How can I even forget that....................
It's time maa, will you accompany me to the port?" I asked looking up her expectantly.

"Of course, my love. Come on let's move your dad must be waiting. You know how he get's when the work is delayed."

I fixed my coat and the royal brotch in the mirror and was walking out of my quarters, but then stopped and took one last look, see you in two months i said to nothing in general. As soon as we reached the palace gates i was met with the grand site of my dad, the King. Me and mother bowed lightly and he nodded.

"Do you really have to go?" Came his gruff and hoarse voice.

"Father we already had this conversation before. You know Yeonjun is my childhood friend, I cant under any circumstances miss his engagement, and Prince Soobin too would be very upset if I wasn't able to attend it. Please father won't you let me go. Please" I said while making my self look as innocent as possible.

"Okay, one can't expect me to deny you from having your way with me when you look at me with those eyes. You happiness is all I wish for. Just be careful and use the sword only when necessary."

Ha I knew they would agree they always agree. With that we all ascended in the carriage and to the port. While the locals made space for the royal carriage to leave,I waved my hand to them as they cheered for a safe journey or merry journey or come back soon, we will miss you.

Ugh I'll miss them too. As soon as we reached the port I was immediately directed to the royal ship. I followed the commander swiftly behind as Mother and Father stayed at the port and were waving toward me. When I boarded the ship all the servants and ship staff and the captain bowed to me. I nodded my head and did a gesture for them to ease back. Soon I was led to the main deck and was shown where the royalties were standing I ran to the right of the deck and cling to the thick wooden railing and waved as high as I can.

"His royal highness, we are ready to sail, we ascend on your command".
The commander in chief said to me.

"Oh were ready! Then what are we waiting for ? LET'S GO "

Chapter one : done I hope you like it.

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