• Lost, Not Found •

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Author's POV

When the prince was left alone in the dingy dark cell, he left his hand wonder into a zipped pocket on the inside of his night robes, they were awfully thin and were doing absolutely nothing to prevent him from the cold. When his fingers brushed against what he wanted he took the little box out and gave a melancholic look to the ruby on the top, it was a wooden music box smaller then the usual ones with floral patterns carved intricately in it and the ruby on top as a key to play it.

He gently caressed the ruby then started twisting it, when he stopped, then it started the music that had lulled him to his dream lands since his childhood. The melody never failed to create a safe heaven for the young prince. He couldn't help but think that all this was maybe just maybe a big bad dream, yet the slight burn on his neck told him otherwise.

Right when he layed himself on the what appeared to be a bed and the music box still playing a light melody for him and eyes droopy ready to fall, He heard tapping of the heeled shoes and the barred gate being thrown open with rather unnecessary force.

Wooyoung's POV

I stood up immediately and stopped the music box, but before I could hide it, it was already getting snatched by me. I looked up and saw the red haired male snarling at my effort of not letting him take it.

"Yah, give it!! Give it to me right now you filthy slave!." He yelled like a mad man as if the music box was a treasure, and surely for me it was.

"N-no, please don't take it." He kept on pulling, but I didn't give, this is more than a million worth of treasure for me. He needs to understand that it's really important to me.

"Please I'll do anything, stop. Please don't take take it. Anything, t-take anything not this. Please" he then stopped and I pulled the it back cradling the box to my chest, hiding it from his eyes.

"Fine take it, it's just some shitty wooden box, but show me, show me that you are grateful for how generous I'm being. Show me!" He pulled me by my hair and then pushed me down harshly.

"I want your dumb head to touch my feet, and your fucking mouth to say what I want or else that precious toy of yours is going to burn in the kitchen fire." He yelled again, this time his hand roughly grabbed my hair and pushed me down again.

I tried my best to keep my tears at bay, but they had their own mind and started falling without my permission, I fell to his feet and he grazed his shoes on my head." T-thank you for giving it back, thank you." I said in a barely audible voice, my hands were shaking badly and my face was heated with shame, it was like i was scarred fo the rest of my life, but it was worth it. The music box was safe.

When i came back to senses, I realized the boots were gone and there were fast retreating steps, I didn't lifted up my head, I knew I'll break badly if I see in his eyes again.

"Y-you better be up early tomorrow or else, there will be consequences" he said hastily and some clothes were thrown in front of me. And he left walking fast, when the noice of steps stopped and I was sure no one was around I looked up. And then too not even completely, something inside of me said I shouldn't. As if I'm not worthy of lifting my head.

I just kept the box underneath my pillow and forced myself to sleep. I miss mother and father so much, but today for some reason I miss him more.

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