• I Escaped, Maybe Not •

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Wooyoung's POV

I woke up, scared but also determined, today I won't look down, not even once. I will look in their eyes everytime I'm being told something. I want them to remember me, the prince who fooled them all. I giggled slightly at that how dramatic of me.

I cleaned up went to the kitchen, I watched Jongho doing his chorus and San and Hongjoong getting ready to get to the town probably I heard they'll leave late in the afternoon. And the the other heading to the deck after the breakfast. I was strictly commanded by Seonghwa to not so much as keep a step on the stairs that lead to the deck.

Unlike everytime when I nodded to their questions, this time I didn't nodded and looked down, I just ignored it and went to helping Jongho. I can almost feel the shock without even looking at him. I've had enough of their attitude.

When it was just Jongho and I downstairs, I asked him if he wanted me to go to the supply room to clean it, and he said I can. "Uh, Jongho I will need the set of keys." I said and he gave them to me saying a 'oh yeah' and I was nervous beyond anything. As I took the keys and couldn't help but fidget slightly.

God I need to get this plan work, I cannot fail this.

I took the keys and turned around and a faint proud smile came on my lips. I can do this. I said to myself and went downstairs. To the supply room.

When I  reached it, I went inside and quickly pushed the door. I hurriedly went to work rushing towards the exit door. I pushed key that I had previously marked as the key to the door, by stealing it from Jongho for a while. Sorry Jongho, but I had to.

I then open the lock and pulled the rusted door open and started to pull the small escape boat, but wasn't even so much as budging. Realization hit me like palace bells, it too darn heavy for me to pull it into the water alone.

Oh dear god no no no no. Why is this boat so heavy

I can feel my breathing pace increasing and stomach churning. I need to get out of here.

Push wooyoung,  push it.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. Dread filled my whole body as if drowning me. I slowly  turned around ready to face whoever's it was and meet my demise. It was Jongho there looking at me with a serious expression. Oh dear lord  I could alredy see myself getting beated up them to death.

But before I could even say or do anything Jongho started pushing the small boat too. I stood there stunned unable to process anything. What is he even doing. Suddenly he stopped and  he looked up at me " Come on hyung help me. I can't do this alone, don't you wanna leave." He said smiling at me.



This human really is an angel. I smiled back at him. And soon joined him in pushing the boat out in the water and threw the paddles in it to. I looked back at Jongho " You, take care of yourself and remember I'm always there to help you. The gates of my palace are opened for you Jongho." I said holding him by his shoulders and then hugged him hard. I'll  miss him.

"Yes hyung I will, but you also make sure to look out for yourself now. San hyung's not gonna take this easily. He will make sure to have captured you again no matter what. He hates getting betrayedor fooled." Jongho said worriedly and I nodded. I knew what crazy bastard was capable of.

I looked at him one last time and gave him a sad smile and then jumped on the boat and went on to paddle stupidly somehow in the direction of the the sea shore near the port, luckily this exit was at the back of the ship so anyone possibly on the lookout won't see me because that was at the front, and from a few yards away from the ship there were a lot fishers in boat similar to mine. I simply pulled the hood over my head and continued paddling hoping no one on the ship would recognize me.

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