• I'm Not Yours •

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Author's POV

"NO" said wooyoung he himself surprised with the amount of confidence in his voice. Before everyone on the deck can disperse back to thier jobs they all turned with so much force almost giving a whiplash to themselves when they heard the stern voice of the little prince sitting on the wooden floor looking up to San with a stare burning in rage and confidence San too surprised as everyone else turned back and raised an eyebrow " what did you just say to me?" asked the Captain,  "you heard me I said No. I. Am. Not. Yours." Said wooyoung stumbling a bit in an attempt to stand up.

When he did finally stood up, he made eye contact with the pirate not cowering away this time he was not gonna give up to a couple of filthy pirates. He was shocked how little they think of human life slaughtering every breathing creature on his ship, a sudden shudder erupted in his whole body thinking of what had happened.

Gradually two hands descended in his direction close too close before he could even comprehend what was happening he realized the hands are now circling around his neck like snakes choking him, cutting out the air supply. His body lifted off the ground in the air his lungs battling  hard to breath but only small huffs coming out of his mouth as a feeble attempt to take in some air, his delicate hands came up to hold and remove the hard grip on his neck the burn getting too much to handle.

The skin that hadn't even faced the scorching heat of sun, the nimble limbs which were only and only pampered with absolute care, the delicate body that was kept away protected  from any and all sorts of harm was now so mercilessly abused. The prince wasn't used to this rought handling, too fragile and stubborn for his own good.

On the other hand the pirate marvelled over the silky smooth skin with a soft touch of golden hue adorning it, his inner beast wanting nothing but to somehow ravish this vulnerable beauty right then and there a mere touch making him go crazy bubbling weird desire inside of him yet he maintained the rough facade not wanting to expose his desire at all " You do not disobey me" came the gravelly voice of the pirate " You think you have a say in this, how adorable, you think we're gonna bow down to your command or something dear little pathetic princy you're not a prince here, you're just a low life worthless little slave here, a nobody." Said san mercilessly choking wooyoung

When the nibble hand that were putting pressure to escape from his hold gradually fell to the sides and eyes that were  staring hard were now going hazy and slowly shutting themselves and the small huffs somehow becoming even smaller alarmed something in the head of pirate that he might actually break the poor little thing. He immediately let go the prince  and the young royal being to dizzy to hold himself up knees buckling like a new born deer was falling fast on the hard wood.

But, before his body could collapse with the cold hard surface he was rather scooped up very unceremoniously in the stern yet careful hold of the captain, the pirate subconsciously leaned in and took stole a secret sniff from the prince losing himself in the alluring scent.  The young royal embarrassed of how easy it was for anyone to literally sweep him off his feet and lift him up like this.

" There is a lot that can be done to a fragile body such as yours and none of them for you  will be good" said the pirate, his crew watching the scene unfolding with a strong gaze. " So I suggest you do as I say or I have to opt to my other ways to make this work" he ended, roughly keeping down the prince gesturing one amongst the crew to come near.

" Jongho I want you to take him to his esteemed quarters and show him around the ship tell his job on the ship and keep an eye out on him, if his loud mouth decides to do otherwise then bring him to me. I'll put him in his place."

"Yes hyung." Came an unexpectedly high pitched voice.

And his arm was once again taken in another embrace this one was rather gentle and he was slowly maneuvered towards the pirate ship and over a plank he was now standing over nothing but black mass of different elements. The ship had absolutely no colour, dark black on each corner and everywhere, no wonder royal navy couldn't see this ship in night, he looked up on the mast and  saw the ship flag the only colour now visible as red ATEEZ were his abductors.

He now realized that he was absolutely undoubtedly and completely doomed.

Wooyoung's POV

A small tab on my shoulder brought me out of my misery. " I'm sorry for what happened there San hyung can sometimes be very aggressive, but I'm sure if you follow the rules you'll not get in any trouble."

I just simply looked at him and he looked quit young how old was he?

" But I suggest you do not talk back Prince, hyung doesn't like disobedience"

" Yeah, he demands obedience!! forces me as a slave, beats me up and holds me captive. Who is he to demand anything from me. Why would I even listen to a monster like him." I yelled frustrated and angry.

" Please prince the consequences of going against San hyung are never good. If anything you're just pushing yourself in direction of endless torture and pain." Said the boy, his eyes reflected genuine concern and I was surprised by it.

" why do you care aren't you a pirate as well?" I said fairly confused by his nature "and how old are you even, you look awfully young. Did they captured you well?!" I said. Feeling suddenly very concerned for him.

"No! They did not,  if anything they rescued me from a slave house." He sighed and looked at me again " I understand you are scared and in pain and confused and lost. But I can give you my word if you do as I say follow my directions then nobody on the ship will hurt you. So please cooperate with me."

I looked at him and looked down, I needed rest I was feeling awfully dizzy, I decided I'll think about it all after I get some sleep, but one thing was sure with this boy on my side maybe, just maybe I'm a little bit safer now. I just simply nodded and he have a melancholic smile.

We went down the deck and down again another set of stairs. The corridor we reached was hardly visible with a single lamp at the very beginning of it. I saw all the cages and cells and knew what was coming. I took a deep breath and restrained myself from going in a fit of panic.

The cell that I was given had a some dry grass laid all over and a lonesome bed which was as uncomfortable as it looked when I sat on it. I tried avoid touching anything and everything because heaven knows what bacteria must be residing down here.

I was still in my sleepwear so I was awfully cold but there was no blanket or anything I could possibly use to cover myself. I just took the light lamp that the boy which I now got to know as Jongho left me the. I kept it close to myself and curled up into a ball to gather as much warmth as possible.

I was exhausted and I needed sleep, to plan the escape out of here. And so i decided to let myself go numb with sleep.

The last though in my mind was that, these people know nothing about me, the captain, that bastard San surely thinks of me as some weakling. And going against them with brute force won't help since it's very clear they are way more skilled then any fighter I have ever witnessed. So no that's not gonna help.

But a carefully strategized and planned escape route will help get out. They can't stay on water forever. They will dock somewhere for supplies and such, and that will be my chance to escape and reach the royal navy , all I had to do is act scared, innocent and dumb. Be the perfect little slave he wants and then I'll be free. Dear god give me strength.

So um hello, I'm back.

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