• Too many things to say •

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Author's POV

As days were passing, distance between Precious and Aurora was decreasing. And some new feeling were brewing. And to no one's surprise Wooyoung and San were also coming closer. The rest of the crew would often pass knowing looks to each other, and the two, completely unbeknownst to others were often found in their own world.

Wooyoung would ask hundreds of questions and San would answer with amusement at par with Wooyoung's curiosity.

San had already admitted to himself a few nights ago, that what he felt for the prince were more then mere feelings of protectiveness. Your heart doesn't feels like it's ready to leap out by a simple glance of them, you don't feel the need of holding them so close to you that your body becomes one, you don't feel like excitement alone will kill you with a ghost like touch from them, you don't do things you never imagined you will just for them.

These emotions they stand for someone who is a little more important to you then everyone.

San still wonders, when?, just when did wooyoung became so impotant to him that, the ocean felt less when wooyoung was in the picture.

Just when did Wooyoung became so important to him that, not seeing him in the morning feels like the end of the world, end of his world.

If you ask him, he have no answers, and maybe that is exactly how love is supposed to work. Unreasonable, irrational, a little crazy, a little scary but all the more enticing and absolutely delectable.

Yes, sometimes San feels like he can devour Wooyoung whole.

The situation wasn't that different on this side, a bit confusing but still same. Wooyoung had never in his life imagined any encounter with a pirate, let alone feeling these foreign emotions for one. He was scared and knew he shouldn't think like that but he was helpless to the forces of his heart.

He can will his eyes to move away when San was practicing his combat training, with his cotton shirt tied on his waist and bare chest glistening with his sweat but he cannot will his heart to beat less with the mere sight of that.

He can will his hands to move away from when he was awfully close to the pirate who was busy teaching him fishing, but cannot will away his thoughts for having grip the pirate's forearms.

It's as if the universe is mocking Wooyoung, putting him in situations when he can do nothing but endure the pains of self control, when the pirate would grip his waist and lead to anywhere on the ship. When he would lean against wooyoung who is sitting on a chair and place his face right next to the poor prince, when he was explaining maps.

When he would pick Wooyoung up along with wine trunk he was sitting on with no distress on his face, flexing his strength infront of wooyoung, looking down at him with a look in his eyes that was akin to carnal. And that would leave wooyoung restless in the most shameful ways.

But he knew, San knew, they both knew that what they had should never escalate. For Wooyoung was a prince, a royal, and even if he was nothing like those filthy high bloods, he was out of reach. And San was a pirate, and entity that was unlawful, existence itself was considered tainted with malice.

Wooyoung was like a moon to San, and even if he wanted he can't just jump up in the night sky and touch Wooyoung, they were never meant to be together, they can never be together. As sad as it sounds not everyone has the luxury to love anyone they want. Wooyoung and San knew that a little too well as of now.

Wooyoung's POV

"We are reaching Aurora tomorrow in the morning."  Said a voice dragging me out of my daydream.

It was San, " Tomorrow?" I asked, even thought I heard it the first time. And my voice came out quieter then expected.

"Yeah, tomorrow, little prince. We will dock away from the main port to avoid any kind of military resistance, seeing us with you they will obviously see us as threat so it's better we escort you to the palace itself as subtly as possible." San had completed and I didn't question.

I knew San had already planned the whole thing out, so no point discussing. I would just follow along. I let out a sigh, but couldn't understand why I was feeling so low today. And after San's big news I should be happy, extremely happy yet I was not.

I will miss them, miss them all, their bickering and their arguments, their affection and most of all, him, I would miss San to no end.

Sure we haven't met in the most pleasant way, but whatever happened was in the past and San had protected me with his own life and took care of me like a new born.

"You don't look happy, I thought you would be jumping up and down after I drop the news." San said clearly confuse by my reaction.

"N-no, I just - I- I will miss you....... you all. " I said looking up at him, my words were sincere, and honest and I don't like lying anymore, I will miss them.

He gave me a sad smile, took a step forward, and I felt a feather light touch on my cheek. San was caressing my cheek, then tracing my jaw, his hand then came down caressing my arm to the very tip of my fingers, then there was a firm tug at my wrist pulling me in his chest.

Me being me, collides clumsily into him, but after the momentary shock I settled in his arms. Loving the warmth and safe feeling, loving the subtle tightness and relishing in the quite

" I'll miss you too, little prince."

I don't want this to end, I want to stay like this a little longer. When he pulled back, I pulled him back to me, he laughed and I  whined, he embraced me again, and helplessly I  indulged my heart just for a little while more. I know we will never see each other again, tomorrow by this time I'll be in the palace, my home. Away from Precious, away from the whole crew away from Jongho, yeosang, yunho, mingi, seonghwa and Hongjoong. Most of all away from San.

This dream, this desire of having San of loving him, is better off as a fever dream. For a while, I'll assume that the time stopped the world stayed idle, in those magical hours we met and in those magical hours we departed. Him on his way and me on mine. Tomorrow, the world will start moving and the time will start flowing for me again.

A dream, it was all a dream, Choi San was a dream. Not my nightmare.

"San-ah!!! Run. Run San run. Don't look back baby, run."

"There they are, hold him down, and kill her. Take him to our leader."


"Saaan no leave my son alone, please let him go, nooooooo"

"Have good night queen."

"Maa, maa eomma no. Eomma, Maa, no let me go, maa, maa, eomma-

Huh, huh huh huh huh , maa eomma.


Get ready for some action and drama oh and some big reveals.

Idk, if you'all will like it but he re goes nothing.

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