• Please Stop •

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Author's POV

When Wooyoung stayed stuck on the carriage seat unable to respond neither physically now mentally, the pirate pushed the door close and locked it from the outside. San took the leashes of the horses and began to drive it through the forest towards the port. Towards his Precious.

On the other hand Wooyoung was going crazy inside, as if right now realizing that he was in utmost danger and his life was on stake he immediately started pulling on the carriage door in hope of opening it somehow. He then pulled the curtains only to witness the other four other pirates riding in the horses behind the carriage.

When his eyes met with one, Hongjoong. He was given a look of pity. That alone sent shivers through his body, the mare fact that instead of something mean he was rather addressed with pity had him spiraling to one conclusion only, whatever was about to happen in near future was not bad but simply catastrophic. He started yelling in panic, whatever came to his mind. Apologies or pleads. He just wanted to go home to his family, was that to much to ask for.

Surely it was since this mad man, taking him to his cage wouldn't possibly let him go. Before he could realize he was crying already. Well can you blame him. He was almost free, almost safe. But no these people, that man won't let him.

"S-stop, plea-please s-stop" he kept on repeating in a small voice. Hoping it might actually happen.

San was livid though, he couldn't wait to show how considerate he was being to that ungrateful prince, tonight he will make him surrender. He was lost in his greed for power, mind numb to any fickle of humanity.

When they reached the port the carriage was pulled to an abrupt stop. Soon the door was opened and entered San, he held wooyoung's wrist mercilessly and pulled hard to get him out, but Wooyoung wasn't just going to give in without a fight.

He held on the window for dear life and refused to let go and get out. San was not having it, with his other hand he slapped the prince across his his face and pulled harder. Wooyoung could only cry.

He was dragged to the ship and then thrown on the deck his back colliding with the hard wood but he could care less about it now, he could hear Jungho's yelling faintly but couldn't see him. He saw San approaching again. He stood up fast and was about to run but San was faster he held onto Wooyoung and picked him up from his torso.

"Please!! Please let me go!. Why are you doing this to me? Please" he kept on yelling and thrashing.

"I just want to go back home! To my family. Somebody help me!! Jongho!!

Wooyoung was loosing hope, loosing his energy and all the strength his body could possibly have. Unfortunately San wouldn't stop here, he knew what he wanted, he knew what he thirsts for.

He dragged wooyoung down the deck and into his chamber. On their way Wooyoung saw Mingi and pleaded for him to help, begged the man to stop San, but all he received was a head ducked down in shame and no help.

His heart broke with pain, he never thought he could possibly feel. How inhuman you have to be to look away from man in need, a human who wants your help. Monsters they all are monsters.

He was pushed roughly into the room, and manhandled to the bed, he couldn't understand what was happening. San tried to tie his hands on the headboard of the bed, but he resisted and tried biting him. He was given a strong bashing on his forehead against the headboard, making him dizzy.

San took the opportunity to tie him up and looked at the prince with eyes that were nothing like what a human would have, dark, corrupted and hungry.

San's POV

I looked at pathetic prince laying in my bed, vulnerable and helpless. Hands tied up, face morphed in fear and hurt, eyes all swollen and dripping with tears. That is what you get for messing with me , tsk and they us pirates are the weak ones. These royals are the weakest of our kind.

"You shouldn't have run away little prince, I was being kind to you." I said unbuttoning my loose cotton shirt. I could see his eyes drifting towards my hand following my actions.

"W-what a-ar-are you d-doing?" He said eyes looking lost but scared at the same time.

"What does it looks like? I'm undressing, you see it is necessary for your punishment, you'll have to do that too, but dont worry I'll do it for you"

I went for forward without giving him time to process what was happening, I reached out for him, trying to unbutton whatever be was wearing. He was thrashing like crazy, yelling out nonsense.

"No what are you doing stop! Don't touch me!" I didn't listen, I continued unbuttoning him.

"STOP! JONGHO! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE STOP SAN" I still didn't I tore his shirt and looked down at his naked upper half.

"NO PLEASE STOP SAN! MOTHER! PLEASE HELP ME JONGHO! HONGJOONG! MINGI! YEASANG! SEONGHWA! YUNHO! PLEASE" I leaned forward and started biting his neck and the skin around his collarbone harshly, hurriedly putting Mark's on different spots.


I felt something wet on my cheeks I looked up and saw him crying eyes shut, lips chapped, head bruised and it stuck to me like lightning that what I was doing.

Oh no, no no no no no no no no no no

Fuck, what the fuck was I doing fuck! fuck San, fuck. I was fucking forcing myself on him. Fuck.

I abruptly stood up and backed away from him, when he opened his eyes i think my heart sunk.

Wooyoung was shivering violently, twitching almost painfully. There were tears running down his eyes but he was not blinking, his eyes were bloodshot. He mouth was ajar and there were piercing squeaks falling out with hiccups. His hand were trembling along with his whole body and he looked in shock as if he had seen a ghost.

Fuck what do I do? What do I do? When I pulled my hands to my face I realized I was shaking too. I ran out of the room and out to the deck only to see a crying Jungho being held down by Yeosang and rest of the crew surrounding them.

One moment me and Jongho made eye contact, and other he was running toward me, his eyes were showing all the pain he was feeling. Instead of stopping infront of me he ran past me and down the deck. I was too stunned with whatever that had happen to even speak something to anyone.

When my eyes met others' I saw nothing but disappointment, there was slow and pathetic shake from Seonghwa and I fell on my knees on the deck, head fallen in my hands.

There was a loud rustling of the sail and I looked up, only to realize that Precious was completely still no motion. Honjoong came to me and his gaze turned into one of pity, he wiped something from my cheeks.

I am crying..........

fuck what did I do...........

Once again I'm sorry if this made some of you all uncomfortable or mad. But i assure you that San won't be forgiven that easily and he would make it up to wooyoung.

And no! No Stockholm syndrome in this household. Woo, will forgive him, because will give him all the love in the world and ask for forgiveness.

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