• Beat me, to reach him •

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Author's POV

They have docked, and Wooyoung was flooded with memories. He was back, back to his homeland. He felt a strange sense of security, but that makes sense, afterall it was his home. And all the hell he had gone through, he couldn't feel anymore grateful for being back.

Well not all of it was a hell, he did found a certain someone who meant more to him then anyone, in ways he could not explain.

The crew of Precious had taken 4 horses, and are currently riding towards the palace dressed in fancy leather and fur and wool. Wooyoung was tucked behind the captain safely. And the other six were also in pairs of two. He could feel San's stiff posture, the pirate was for some reason in full defence mode, even the slightest movement would making him jerk crazily, feline eyes going haywire.

Wooyoung honestly had no idea why, but he just wanted this to quickly end, he wanted to get away from San as soon as possible, he had already willed his brain to think of San as a fragment of his imagination. And maybe if San would finally disappear his heart would give up as well, that wave ecstasy  he feels when he sees San would finally brake and disappear at the seashore.

It will never, it's too late now.

San couldn't stay still, this morning only he was informed by Yeosang that there are chances someone is following them. And San can bet his life that they are the same people who tried to kidnap Wooyoung before. He just want to bring Wooyoung back to his home safely. He'll look into this matter after he had ensured that Wooyoung was safe.

"There you go little prince" he said to Wooyoung  who looked up and saw, the royal palace of Aurora standing big and proud infront of them.

"Welcome back home" San said, his tone was anything but cheerful, because he too, like Wooyoung was struggling with his feeling for the other. When they were fairly close to the palace, about to stop at the front gates Wooyoung spoke.

"Let me talk to them first, if they'll see me they will calm down and let us in easily."

Everyone nodded, any unnecessary trouble could be avoided if they knew it was their prince who was back. They stopped right infront of the grand metal gates of the palace with around ten guards, all of them attentively watching the unexpected visitors, in fancy attires.

When the pirates descended their horses, and approached the gates, all the guards were now fully alert, but their stiff stance soon turned into surprised gasps and shocked faces when Wooyoung pulled down his burgundy cloak, and revealed who he was, the royal guards rushed to his aid, and immediately ushered him to enter the safe grounds of palace, still skeptickle about the company Wooyoung was with, but with a simple command of

"They are with me, they are my guests."

All of them got to work and started, aiding all of the crew. It was a sight to see, all the pirates look so comically uncomfortable that wooyoung had to laugh.

Jongho busy gawking at the palace structure, and unconsciously straying away from them, Yeosang busy running behind Jongho to keep him close, mingi firing the royal staff with questions after questions, and Yunho trying to contain the former's excitment, Wooyoung makes a mental note to take mingi to the royal gardens he would love it. Seonghwa was already dragging Hongjoong away from the art pieces scattered all along the hallway, and San...............



San was looking straight at Wooyoung, an expression Wooyoung couldn't understand. But like every other time he decided to ignore this as well. Right now it was more important to pay attention to the matters at hand.

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