• Crown on His Back, on His Head •

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Author's POV

Everyone was as still as a statue, some looked like they were not even breathing, the king and the queen were too stunned to even take their eyes off the man infront of them.

Because apparently, it was the lost prince of Gardenia, Choi San, how do they know? The only human to carry a burned like scar of a crown on their back were no one but the royal blood line of Choi, of Gardenia.

And there he was the prince standing in all his glory with his cotton shirt in shreds on the ground, broad back proudly displaying the neatly carved crown on his back.

A royal heritage, of his family, of his reign, that never came.

"We will have a talk, obviously but first I think some rest is must. Guards! Take o-our guest to their respected quarters and Wooyoung to his room. Call all the servants I want this hall cleaned spotless. And my king I would like for you to accompany me to our quarters." When everyone was still to shook or confused, the queen decided to take charge and lead everyone.

Wooyoung was confused and shocked, who wouldn't be if they were in his shoes. Because according to his parents San was the prince of Gardenia.

How, why? Was it the crown on his back? He had seen it countless time the pirate paraded himself on his ship half naked, looking oh so delectable....

"Ugh not the time Wooyoung!" He reminded himself, he had dismissed all his servants and decide to soak in the bath by himself for some alone time and drown himself in his thoughts.

Was San, really THE CHOI SAN, crowned prince of Gardenia. It sounded ridiculous, not because San was not worthy of being a prince, but how in the world did he managed to survive that wicked army and those attacks.

As far as Wooyoung's mother told him the prince was only two years older than him, too young to survive by himself !?

Even if he did survive how the hell did he became a pirate, where did he learned that all ? How did he even enter that life ?

Did he escaped those black soldiers? Did somebody helped him or did he do it by himself ?

What kind of people did he met, was he slaved, was he hurt or abused as a child ? Who protected him ? Who raised him ? Was he starved ?

Wooyoung's brain couldn't stop whirring on the endless possibilities of what could've happened to San. He let out a huge sigh and got out.

"The queen is requesting your presence at the dinner sire" a servant informed .
With a reminder of calling him Wooyoung, he dressed up and got ready.

"Let's go then"

San didn't had much time to talk to his crew, he was still processing the words of the king, and the next thing he knows is that he is in a fancy room with, a bunch of random guys in similar looking cloths fussing around him, only to prepare bath.

"Hey, I'll do it by myself, just leave me alone for now." He said voice so tired that he himself was surprised of it.

A few of them tried to to argue but one look from him and viola, they were all gone. Leaving his messed up self alone.

He let out another sigh when he slumped in the huge bathing marbled tub, and started thinking hard.

The random dreams, the female voice he used to hear in them calling out to him with all the love and care in the world, the fancy chandeliers and marbled walls, with gilded finishings. All those things they were not his imagination or some random dreams stuck to him for life.

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