• Surprise Attack •

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Author's POV

"Can you see it?" The youngest asked excitedly.

"No, where is it?" Answered the price.

"It's right there, oh look! It came up so close this time, you must have seen it!!"

"No Jongho I can't where did you even see it?" The prince asked exasperate.

"Ah, hyung it's right there look near that big boulder, the biggest one" he said pointing his finger and shaking it towards the said direction.

"Haaah" a loud gasp was heard when the prince finally found the baby seal sitting on one of the boulders near a deserted island their ship was passing.

"It is so cute, oh lord can we not have him?" The prince had apparently fallen love at first glance for the small creature he just saw.

"What? No hyung we can't, no animals on the ship. San hyung had strictly warned about that."

"Oh, okay then" , their innocent admiration continued until they passed the island.

Wooyoung was cleaning the deck along with Seonghwa, the older giving him some pointers on how to clean the deck spotless and some of them in Wooyoung's mind were, kind of not needed. Jongho was somewhere with Yeosang, San standing strong and tall at the steering, guiding Precious. Yunho was right below the crow's nest where Mingi was at watch, glancing occasionally in Mingi's directions, just in case.

"One could never know, when it comes to Mingi." He had said to Wooyoung and honestly Wooyoung was not even surprised. For the young prince anyone who had spent at least three days with Mingi would be able to effortlessly understand what Yunho had meant.

"Hey! What do you mean Yunho. Wooyoung you don't listen to him, I am a very mature, responsible and loyal man okay?" And Yunho had promptly laughed at that.

"MaTurE aNd ResPoNsiBle" that had started another round of push and pull between those adorable giants ( nickname is a courtesy of Jongho).

And just when Wooyoung had taken a sigh in relief, content with how thing were going, there was a quick rustling from crow's nest and Mingi had unceremoniously descended from there. Steps quick and hasty. That was enough to alert everyone, Yunho had helped Mingi in last of his steps from the dangling makeshift rope ladder.

"Who is it?" Yunho asked

"Royal navy, but not of Aurora, it's of Malum kingdom." Mingi said confusion evident in his voice.

"Why are they coming to us. Do they have a death wish or what?" This time it was Hongjoong.

"Doesn't matter, if they are here to fight, we give them what they want. Luke always leave no one alive, take whatever you think is of value and we leave." San's voice was booming from behind Wooyoung, he could feel the said man approaching where he was standing.

Then he felt a gentle hand on his back guiding him to the entry that leads to the lower deck. Wooyoung knew why this was necessary and he didn't resisted at all.

"And you need to go downstairs, don't worry it won't be long, we'll be done with them before you finish your afternoon nap." San said leaning ahead and turning his head to meat Wooyoung's gaze. On any other day in any other situation Wooyoung would have resisted and argued with the captain about the 'nap' thingy, but right now it was not exactly ideal to do that.

" Just stay inside yeah? I'll bring you out myself when it's over." This time San's voice extremely gentle, making Wooyoung plaint. He just nodded and before he knew it he was already down the stairs standing idly.

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