• I am still here •

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San's POV

When wooyoung had finally stopped, my jaw dropped and eyes probably popped out because, holy mother of jesus. It was a garden, but calling it one was purely disrespectful in my eyes, it looked like someone plucked a piece of heaven and dropped it here, pretty pink Sakura trees blooming along Gulmohar ones, a pond settled right in the midst spreading quite big, and a slim small boat at the edge.

The grass spread like a green bed, my toes itched to walk barefoot on it. Movement beside me pulled me out of my stupor. I saw wooyoung taking off his shoes, and stepping into the grass, I mirrored his actions, when he gestured me to do the same.

We walked to the small boat in the pond and Wooyoung pulled it pushing it off the edge, and jumping not-so-gracefully in it. I giggled unconsciously at him, as he fumbled in the boat. I jumped right after him in it.

Idiot was about to fall but I held his wrist and pulled him towards me. I just wanted him close, since it doesn't seem like I will be leaving this place any time soon, I might as well take advantage of the situation and let something good come out of it.

He landed on me but slipped out of my reach, sat up and took a seat right infront of me in the tiny boat.

"I cannot bring the sea to you San, but I can offer you this." He said gesturing around the paradise he brought me in.

"I like it" I said. In all honesty.

"I thought you needed this, the day was not just emotionally draining, but physically as well. I thought water might help your thoughts settled." He said his eyes dripping in sincerity.

Gods really have their favorite don't they? If people doubted that then they really needed to see Wooyoung. From that angelic face to that handcrafted persona. Who can even hate him? I did tried to and look where that got me, I am now at his mercy, absolutely helpless to his being.

At this point I might as well just give up on thinking that I have any way out of this maze he build for me. Just get lost in him and never be found, that sounds so tempting.

A hand reached out to mine, and I knew who it was, when he intertwined our fingers I held his hand a little tighter, squished it a bit and saw a little flesh peeking out as if overflowing.

"Pft" I chuckled, I mean can you blame me. That was funny.

He whined and tried to pull away, as if I'll let him.

"Don't laugh" he ordered. And I laughed louder.

Soon his sulky face turned into an amused smile, so familial that something inside of me just halted for a second.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask, what made him smile, I was curious.

"You look so pretty when you smile" he said face turned into a look I could only discern as that of love.

I looked to side, knowing full well that I was blushing " oh, shut up." I said, failing to retaliate against him. He had me trapped.

" oh, are you blushing captain?" He asked looking at me and in a teasing tone.

"Y-you come here" I said attempting to get a hold on him, he tried to back of and due to misbalance the boat swayed harshly, I lost my footing and fell right above him.


When I looked up, his eyes were scrunched shut tightly, hand on his his either side, while I laid flat against his body. Basically covering his whole frame with mine.

Heavens above

When he opened his eyes, I saw stars of the night sky twinkling prettily in them, up close he was all the more tantalizing, one might say begging to be tasted.

When he looked to the side I realized our positions, and quickly scrambled to get up, but as I tried, one of my arms gave out and I was falling once at again, right. On. His. Chest.

No please why

This time he let out a small sound, and I felt blood rush south,  Choi San, hold your horses, you heathen.

When I finally got up, Wooyoung was hiding his gaze from mine. Does he knows that it aggravates me even more.

We both were tied in an awkward silence when a sudden jerk of boat shocked us both, we both looked around and saw that we were at the bank of the pond.

"Oh, seems like that's the end of the journey" Wooyoung said finally looking up at me while tucking his longer stands behind his ears.

"Yeah, looks like that." I said still a little awkward with what just happened. At the same time my mind couldn't get the image of him underneath me out of my head.

I got out first, holding out my hand for him to get out next, he thanked me and we were about to bid goodbyes for the night when, I turned towards him and said

"Thank you Wooyoung  I-I needed that, I feel so confused and  lost right now, you made me forget all about it, this made me forget it all, thank you." I said as sincerely as I possibly could, I knew he did this all to make feel relaxed and I wanted him to know it worked till some extent, things were overwhelming but because of it was a lot better to think about them now.

"Anytime San, anytime. Besides whatever happens in future your crew, your family they are always by your side, I am there for you, we all are still here San, don't think that you have to take the burden of it all on your shoulders." He said looking at me.

"They might be your family of choice, but they are no less than a family by blood. And if me, an outsider can see it, then one can only imagine how much they care for you."

I wanted to say that he was not an outsider, but once again that would be crossing line. Although unlike those previous times I don't have our titles restricting us. From what I have been told few hours ago I am a prince now.

So what excuse do I have now? What is stopping me now from saying what I harbor for him.

"Now, smile again pretty captain" he said teasing me. Oh not this time Wooyoung, I launched in his direction ducking down to wrap my arms around his thighs and picking him up like that.

He looked down in horror, his hand coming to my shoulders to support himself.

"San! Oh dear lord, put me down, I will fall" he yelled, scared for his life. I was enjoying it more than I should

"Why should I, how do I look like now, from up there, huh? Prince, still pretty?" I said pushing him up a little with my arms.

"S-San! No! Don't do that. P-put me down please" he said looking down at me with those big sparkly eyes. His long hair falling towards my own face creating a subtle glow of moonlight around his head. Dammit, that makes me weak.

I twirled around to my hearts content with Wooyoung in my arms, eventually his pleading turned into that pitched laughter making laugh along as well.

Finally my arms were getting exhausted and I decided to put him down, he tried to move away but the spins had his head good, and he stumbled right in my own arms, I didn't hesitated un enveloping him in them.

When his senses were back to normal he moved away, shyly smiling up at me.
" Have a good night's sleep Sannie, you need it ok." Faster then light he took a step towards me stood on his tippy and I felt moisture on my cheeks.

But before I could react the lips, the warms, the aura all of it was gone. I have never felt this dumb and elated at the same time.

How, how do I cross this storm. He is becoming my oceans and lands and skies and my world. He is becoming the storm of the sea, but at the same time the sea itself for me. Crazy and addicting.

Goodluck to my Precious for getting through this one.

Hi, very late again I know :]
My exams are finally over, i am preparing for comeback and streaming i hope everyone is as well.
Imma update a lot more frequently now.
Hope you are liking this nonsense that I am putting.
Take care and don't give your parents a hard time. We are all trying are best ok.


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