• Forgiveness •

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I always used to think. How can people just, forgive someone. How can they simply pardon them of whatever they did to hurt them, but growing up I  realized that

If the person themselves would cease from existing, if they just disappeared one day, then what would I possibly gain from their mistakes, what would I gain from blaming them, shaming them, forcing guilt over them.

In this world time flies, people watch their whole life flash infront of them, and before we know it, our time is over and we are gone.

Why not just let it go, why not forgive. And when they are on their knees, head bowed infront of you, letting their dignity fall at your feet. I don't know about others but all I can do is forgive.

So  instead of regretting it later on, and realizing it's too late now. And that person is long gone, I'd rather take my chances of giving them another chance.

Why waste the time mopping over it, when they are apologetic and you have a kind heart, just forgive, and let it go.
Yet again, it's easier said then done. But one can always try. And I found it in me, that forgiving was easier.

Because, later on I was left with no remorse and a satisfied heart. Tummy feeling bubbly in a good way. Mind feeling proud, of being the bigger person and letting it go.

Obviously there was fear of being taken advantage of but I'll hate myself for it when my doubts became reality, until then I'll bask in this better feeling.

Life is too short for letting yourself stuck on something. So until my body gets restricted by age, and until I gain wrinkles on my face, nothing can stop me from living my life to the fullest.

And moving on is a part of my adventures life.


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