• Things have Changed •

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Author's POV

To say that everything went back to normal would be putting it wrongly, it was safe to say that everything changed, and not the bad kind of change but the comfortable one. Wooyoung had frequent his visits on deck, followed by Jongho's fierce (adorable, if you ask others) glare to San and Yeosang. For some reason the maknae decided to forgive everyone but them both.

Wooyoung is healing just fine, all the scars gone, thanks to the balm San himself had crafted for the prince. The whole crew would ever so often visit Wooyoung, including San. Who was granted a lopsided smile by the prince the first night he entered Wooyoung's quarters due to the ice wrapped around the captain's jaw (damn royals can land one good blow).

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" San had asked, body and voice soft in what felt like humbleness.

"Better, a little tired but better. If I could get some warm milk, that would be great...........sorry it's a habit. Helps me sleep at night." Wooyoung had said looking nowhere but his lap.

The abruptness of the captain's action and speech was new to the prince. How the man had stood up from the lone chair he was sitting on, hurriedly speaking:

"A g-glass of warm milk? Yeah I can bring that I'll be back in couple of minutes, a-anything else?" San had asked avoiding Wooyoung like shy young lady. Constantly pinching himself whenever his speech would stutter.

And somebody was enjoying this a lot. Wooyoung bit back an amusing smile, answering with a hushed "No, that's all, and thank you very much" he had said also avoiding to look up, not out of fear but out of something else.

The moment the door closed, one sagged back in the fluffy pillows he was generously offered by Mingi and another slipped down the door, his back against it and promptly ducking his face in his knees. Almost combusting out of sheer embarrassment when he heard a little giggle from the other side of the door.

"What is wrong with me?" The captain had asked slapping his cheek and getting up to do the job at hand, to bring some warm milk for a man with equally warm smile and heart.


Wooyoung's POV

After the whole apology fiasco, I was welcomed on Precious with a rather kind gesture of a small feast. When I was fully recovered. Everyone has been nicer, a lot more gentle and soft spoken with me. I didn't mind it, but I would love to be treated like how they treat each other, but I think that's too much to ask for as we barely knew each other.

Jongho still every now and then tries to boss San and Yeosang around, guilt tripping them into doing almost all of his work, it's fun to watch Yeosang trying to explain Jongho how he is sorry and that it will never happen again and Jongho would straight up mutilate his apology by swatting him away. He is testing the waters and I'm pretty sure when Yeosang had had enough he will get some good beating.

It was calm, the waves were gentle and forgiving with the way they led Precious like a swing. It was almost about evening, everyone had done all their day duties resting until the moon will rise and we'll go back to night ones. Jongho was sitting beside him on the wine trunks near the ship rails, with Seonghwa and Hongjoong arguing in the distance, Mingi trying to pry off a lazy Yunho who was bear hugging the former.

And San............ where was he?

Author's POV

Wooyoung was peacefully gazing at the sea, he wasn't even surprised when he heard loud heavy foot steps, they were getting closer and quicker and he just HAD to look back and see. He did turned and the sight surprised him because San was running towards him like crazy fast, and in instinct he pulled his arms over his head. But the captain had other things in mind.

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