• Tangled History •

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Author's POV

The next morning, everyone was up early. With the recent happening it was hard for them all to sleep leisurely. With San's fresh reveal as the prince, the crew was humbly asked to stay at the palace. The messenger to Gardenia was expected to return in the evening. Until then they decided to meet one the prisoners in the dungeon who had requested to meet the prince and king.

Deciding that the prisoner had voluntarily asked to share some information and this can help find the enemy who was behind attacks of Wooyoung. They collectively went to find the much needed answers.

Wooyoung wasn't there along with Mingi and Yunho, he took them to the medical ring as Mingi was not feeling well.

But the rest of the crew accompanied San and the king to the prisons underground, the king being ever so kind didn't mind the others accompanying them. They all were now waiting for the prisoner to be brought into the separate quarters where they can exchange words with privacy.

San's POV

The man was brought in and settled in the chair against the king, he was doused heavily in the metal chains keeping him restrained. He looked thoroughly roughed up, no wonder why he decided to speak to us.

"Start speaking, we don't have much time I suggest whatever it is you want to say, you speak quickly." The king ordered, his nonchalance towards the prisoner was so much different from the way he treated me and my crew.

" Your majesty, I would be needing much of your time, for what I am about to share might effect heavily." That had me frowning.

"From what I  had seen before even you were not aware that prince of Gardenia is still alive. And I was sent by the man who was the reason he died, or as we assumed he did, years ago. Yoonchi, king of Ruby kingdom send me here, to kill your son Prince Jung Wooyoung of Aurora." Everyone in the room grasped loudly, needless to say we were all shocked.

"As everyone know about the Great war, the dark army. As surprising as it sounds, he was the culprit behind all of that catastrophe. He wanted to rule over all the land and hence his sinister plan of vanishing all the other royal families started." He said, so lightly as if telling us about the fall in the recent trades and commerce.

"Wha– who even are you to claim such big allegations, the Ruby kingdom itself was attacked by the dark army." The king tried to sound strong but I could sense how very winded he was just like all of us.

" I am Heo Jiwon, commander-in-chief of the army of Ruby, and also the man who does all his dirty deeds. And as far as the matter regarding the Ruby kingdom getting attacked concerns, that was all deliberately done to make it appear like we ourself were also the victims, to appear innocent. Theatrics, that's all it was. Sounds brutal to kill your own people, but that's just how insane that man is." He said ending with a disbelief chuckle.

I stood up and went over his side, my restlessness preventing me from sitting still. " Okay, even if it all was true, give me one good reason to belive you, one good reason as to why you are sharing this with us, and now, years after the war had occurred." I said and watched him dead in the eyes.

"I am scared your highness, and I feel like if I played my cards correct, I can finally free myself from him. " that took all of us by surprised.

"I was an ambitious young man who trained hard to be a warrior his people can depend on, that man his greed had made me do things I never wanted to I killed countless innocents and had destroyed so many families, all because to protect my own. My sons and wife are waiting for me back there, this, this bastard has had made me dance on his fingers by manipulating me through my family." He said with tears threatening to fall.

" I never wanted any of this, I want my family to be safe, every day I worry, that whether they will be alive or dead when I return home. I want to be free from him. You are my only hope, when I saw you" he said looking at me.

" I couldn't help but feel the spark of hope igniting inside of me. With the crown Prince of Gardenia alive, you might finally have the chance to finish him for once and for all." He said looking at me with eyes glistening with hope.

Author's POV

All were moved by Jiwon's words, the king finding it easy to accept that king Yoonchi would actually do that, he had always suspected that the other king was up to something, always exchanging vague treaties and hiding his trade allies from other kingdoms. But attacking the kingdom and starting up a fraudulent war, now he had crossed the line.

The king was angry, very angry.

"Names" he said.

Everyone was confused as to what he was implying at.

"I said, give me the names of everyone involved, I want to know everyone who had breached my castle that night, when Aurora was attacked, I'll burn all those bastards alive." The king was seething with anger. And why wouldn't he, he lost his son that night.

"Your majesty, I wasn't the one who was leading the battalions in the the kingdoms, but I know the person did that, Zora, Yoonchi's human weapon. He was the one who was appointed to, eliminate all the young prince of kingdoms. Yoonchi planned that, so that all kingdoms could be vulnerable in future and he would easily defeat them." The prisoner went on with as much detail possible.

A loud grasp followed his revelation, everyone looked at the direction it came from, it was yhe youngest in the room, Jongho.

"Th-that's that's my master's name" he muttered disbelieving.

"I told you not to call him that, he was a inhuman pest sold you in a slave auction like some kind of gold artifact" Yeosang grumbled.

"Your master?" The king asked puzzled.

"Uhm, yeah your majesty, I was rescued by him from the streets, I dont remember but that is what I was told. He provided for me but when I turned eleven he had sell me in an auction of slaves." Jongho ended sadly.

"That's horrible, I can't belive it, have these people sold their souls to devil? What is wrong with them?! Where us their humanity. How could they do that to a child ." The king could not help but let it out. Others silently agreed.

There was a silence, amongst all of them almost a minute long. Everyone taking their time to process all the news. San was a mess and so was everyone.

"This needs to end." San said and suddenly all eyes were on him.

"He took your son, left you and every other kingdom in shambles, was the reason I was separated from my family. And so much more. And from the looks of it, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Someone had to defeat him." San said voice loud and stern.

"I-i need to defeat him" he finally ended, his was quivering a little. He knew it was a big commitment, but for his people, all those families, Jiwon and his family, his members who are his family, and for Wooyoung, he will do it.

Yoonchi better get his bearing together and start counting his days.

Satan is on hunt again.

I am not going to waste anyone's time apologizing, instead I'll provide what everyone is here for... UPDATE
Also my exams will be over around mid October so expect more updates then.


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