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Billie POV

I get woken up from my sleep by a phone ringing. I sit up and look at Jordan. She sound asleep in my arms, her phone still ringing on her nightstand.

I groan, ignoring the phone and waiting for it to stop so I can go back asleep. I tighten my hands around my girlfriend's naked waist, cuddling into her more and resting my face in the crook of her warm neck.

My eyes slowly start closing but shoot right back open as her phone starts ringing again. Oh my god, who the fuck dares to call someone in the middle of the night.

I sigh heavily and roll my eyes, deciding to stand up, I throw the covers back and walk over to her side.

I grab her phone and see the time. 3:55. It's Pamela calling. What happened?

"Yes?" I aks tiredly, answering with my eyes closing again.

"Jordan?" Her voice echoes through the speaker.

"No, it's- It's Billie. What's up." I stutter.

"Wait. What time is it?" She sounds surprised.

"Well." I laugh.
"4 am."

"Oh, I am so sorry If I woke you up. I just had to call, it's important."

"Okay, so..." I say, wanting her to finally tell what's up.

"Can you hand the phone to Jordan real quick, please?"

"She is sleeping. What is going on?"

"Please, Billie. It's about her dad."

"What happened to her dad?" I ask, now listening closely to the concerned women that I am on the phone with.

Pamela just sighs and I look over at Jordan as I notice her waking up.

"J, baby." I say, sitting down next to her.

"Hmm?" She questions, still half asleep.
"What do you need, Sexy?" Her hand moves to hold mine.

"Your phone started ringing uncontrollably, It's Pamela, she says it's urgent." I tell her.

"Okay, give me the phone."

I hand her the phone and she lays back down while I remain sitting and watching her.

"Yes? Pam?"


"It's okay, what's wrong? Are you good?"




All of a sudden, Jordan's relaxed body launches upwards, her eyes widening.

"What? Wha- Wh-"

"Hey, baby?" I say, holding onto her shoulders.

What happened?


"You?" Jordan stutters.
"You want me to- come? I- I can't just lea-"


No? What?

"Hey, can we talk later, I need to- think for a second." Jordan says and hangs up, looking at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"What happened?" I take the phone out of her hands and grab her head to look at me.

"I- My dad he- he's in the hospital. He had a car accident and- It-...it's serious."

"Hey, hey. Look at me, baby." I force her eyes to meet mine. Her watery green eyes making my heart ache in a different kind of way.

Therefore I am Yours | Billie Eilish - Watty Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now