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Jordan POV

Billie and I have just finished watching one episode of the Office and we are ready to go to bed.
I lay down next to her in her bed, my eyes already drooping shut because today was exhausting.
As I am almost fully asleep, i hear a Billie mumbling something in her sleep.

"No, i really like her. I really do. She's something else.. I-.." She mumbles really quiet, stopping mid-sentence.

What did she just say? Does she mean me? I look over my shoulder seeing her sound asleep. She sleep-talked. Maybe she just said that because she is still drunk. But aren't drunken thoughts, the ones you really mean? I don't know. I am confused.

I turn back around trying to sleep. I can't. I can't stop thinking about what she just said.

After like ten minutes of thinking, I decide to stand up and get some water. My mouth dry as hell.

I walk into the kitchen as quietly as possible, turn on the light and see Patrick standing there, looking at me with a glass of water in his hand.

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect you." He smiles.
"Yoh want some?" He points to the water bottle, that is placed on the counter beside him.

"That would be great." I say, stepping closer.

He hands me my a glass of water.

"Why are you up? Aren't you tired yet?" Pat asks me.

"Uhm, I am. I'm just.. I don't really know. I can't sleep, but it's fine." I stutter.

"Okay. Well, I am going back to bed. See you." He says, leaving me standing there.


Billie POV

I have been up for about half an hour now and Jordan still didn't come out of my bedroom.
I wonder why she's still sleeping. We went to bed not that early - as much as i can remember.

I am quite hangover because of the alcohol. I guess I had too much.

I walk into my room, hearing Jordans phone ring. She doesn't seem to hear it.

I walk in, her still sound asleep, not caring about her loud-ass ringtone.
I quickly grab her phone - It's her dad.
I leave the room because She looks so peaceful and she seems to be very tired. I don't want to wake her. Her dad will be fine with her staying for a little longer apart from the fact that it's only 8 am.

I put the phone down in the living room, going back to what i was doing on my phone.

After a good 5 minutes her phone buzzes multiple times due to all the messages she is receiving.
I ignore it but then suddenly her phone starts ringing again.

I stand up and grab it, accepting the call from her dad.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello? Who is this? Where is Jordan?" Her dad asks, sounding a bit upset.

"This is Billie. Jordan is still asleep, she is fine."

"Oh so you're that girl she sneaked out with? Good to know. Do your parents know about that?" He asks.

"They don't. Why would it matter? I will be drop Jordan off at home after she's slept in." This man is making my anger rise slowly. Now i understand why Jordan couldn't take being at home anymore.

"No, you won't. I will be picking her up. Where exactly is your house located?"

"I know you're upset but Sir, you have to understand that Jordan is very tired. She will hate you for making her stand up now."

"I don't care. Wake her and tell her that I am coming. Where do you live?!" He is sounding real angry now.

"If you think this is a good idea, fine. My address is r/a" I tell him and hang up.

I walk back into my bedroom and make my way over to my bed, sitting down next to Jordan.

I shake her a bit and she wakes up, looking really, really tired.

"Hey, I am hella sorry that i had to wake you, but your dad wouldn't let yoh stay any longer. He called your phone a couple times and messaged you."

"Wait, you spoke to him? Why can't he just leave you alone. This fucker. What did you say?" Jordan asks, leaning her head on the headboard.

"I told him that you're very tired and that i'd bring you home but he insisted on getting you himself. He will be here shortly." I say.

"Okay. Thank you for letting me stay the day and night. I had a lot of fun."

We walk to the front door.

"Tell you parents a thank you from me" She says, leaning in to hug me.

We hug for a short time and then she opens the door.

"Bye, J. It was nice spending time with you again. Text or Call me anytime you want." I smile.

She leaves and i close the door, standing in the hallway for a minute - thinking about her.

Jordan POV

I wait for my dad to come in front of Billie's house and see him pulling up.

He stops at the roadside and I get in, sighing.

"Well, hello." He says, studying my face.

"Hi." I say blankly.

He starts driving.

"Had a good time with that Billie, huh?"

"Yes. Her family was very nice. Her mom is a great cook." I smile, thinking about last night.

"Oh really?" He asks stupidly.
"Billie is really caring about you, isn't she?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Well she said she was gonna bring you home because she wanted you to sleep for a little longer. She didn't tell you?"

"Well yes, no. Not that she wanted me to stay so i can sleep in." I blush. She really cared.

"Why are you blushing like that?" He asks, as he is pulling into our garage.

I don't say anything.

We get out of the car and into the house.
I make my way upstairs to my room as he is intercepting me.

"Hey, I was aking you something."

I turn around.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"You were blushing. Why? Do you like her?" He asks, leaning back on the kitchen counter.

"Is it bad to blush? She is a friend, what the hell?"
I tell him, not really believing myself.

"You never blushed talking about anyone else. Ever. Not even when you were talking to or about Hunter." Now he is the one raising his eyebrows.

I flinch at the mention of his name. My last - and only - boyfriend.

"You know I don't like talking about him." I say.

"Sorry, but just tell me already. Do you like her in that way?" Now he is being really rude and noisy.

Can't he just leave me the fuck alone?

"What the hell dad? Stop fucking asking me out. Can't you just let me live?"
I shouldn't have said that. 'Can't you just let me live'. Now he for sure knows that i like girls.

"What do you mean, 'live'?"

"Leave me alone." I say angrily, walking up the stairs into my room and shutting my door harshly.

Therefore I am Yours | Billie Eilish - Watty Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now