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Jordan POV

As I enter the plane all by myself I greet a stewardess and the pilot that are standing at the entrance.

Trying to find my seat in the way-too-crowded aisle with people putting their luggage up into the cabins, I look down at my ticket for the fifth time and finally find my seat.

I sit down in my aisle-seat and soon lose the happy state i was into just minutes ago. Why do i feel so lost without her even tho we just met?

Trying to ignore the sad feeling, I plug in my AirPods once again and click play on my phone. 'Tetris' by Derek King continues to play from earlier today and I fall back into my tiny sad world. After 5 minutes of doing nothing, the plane is finally in the air.

I wonder what Billie is doing. Is she thinking about what I am doing too? Probably not. Why would she?

After another few minutes, I get tapped on the shoulder and turn around.
Theres a friendly-looking stewardess holding out a little piece of folded paper to me.

"Here you go, Jordan. This is for you. It's from Ms. Billie Eilish." She smiles.

Eilish. That's why she seemed so familiar. She is the singer Billie Eilish. Oh my god. I am so fucking stupid. How could I forget. So embarrassing.

"Thank you" I say confused. Taking the note.

As I open the little note, I notice the stewardess still stading next to me. I look up to her and she is just excitedly waiting for me to open the note. She nods. Motioning for me to continue.

I open it up and read:

Hey J,

It's Billie. I hope you still know who I am. Jk
I am bored. Wanna come over to first class? There's an empty seat right next to me and I could need some 'boring' company right now. ;-)
Think about it.
- Bil

Wait What? She really wants me to come over to first class? Wait. Really? Is this re-

"Madam? What do you think? Do you want to change your seat to first class?" She asks me nicely.

"Uhm, ye- yeah, of course uhm let me jus-" I stutter out, not really knowing what will happen.

I am excited as hell but also kind of confused and overwhelmed. Billie is way too nice to me. Why does she care about me so much. Who is paying for the upgrade?

I grab my bagpack and stand up. By now, everyone  around is just staring at me.

"Come on, don't be shy. Ms. Eilish insisted on inviting you. She will be very happy" The stewardess smiles at me. Motioning for me to follow behind her.

She "insisted". Damn, it probably means more to her than I thought.

I follow her to the entrance for the first class-area.

"Here we are. I am going to escort you to your seat."

As we walk in I can already tell, it's much more quiet and comfortable here. Duh.

I look over all the little booths and immediately the green roots catch my attention. Obviously. You could find her in thousands of people.

"Ms. Eilish. Your guest." The stewardess says and leaves me alone.
Standing next to Billie's Seat-Booth and mine next to her, attached to her's.

"Jordan, Hey. Thank you for coming." Billie greets me. She is so happy. The smile on her face is wide.

"Hi." I blush.
"Thank you so much Billie but you really didn't need to do that. Thank you a lot." I apologize.

"Hey, stop. I insisted. It's my pleasure to have you here. It's so boring alone. Finneas' seat is so far away. My manager booked it wrong. But now I'm good." She smiles.
"Come on, don't stand there like a tree in the forest. Sit down." She points to the other little booth.

I have never been in first class. This is all so new for me and I feel so special here. I feel special with her.

I sit down and put my bag away. Looking at Billie, I blush because she is already looking at me - as always.

"Aw, you're all blushy and shit. Cute" She teases me, winking.

"Stop, I'm not. You are the one that wanted me here" I am clearly embarrassed but happy.

"You can leave anytime. It's not like I am holding you hostage. Unless you want me to" Billie winks again.

Can she stop? I am about to fucking explode because of all the butterflies in my stomach.

"Okay, let's watch a movie." She breaks the awkward silence. Thankfully.

"Yes. We should. What movie though?" I ask, hoping she doesn't want to see anything scary. I hate scary movies.

"Let's see what they have." She scrolls through the movies on the screen that's attached to the back of the seats in front of us.

"Oh I got one!" Billie yells. A little loud.
"Oops, sorry. That was loud" We share a laugh.

"Which one?" I ask. My anxiety rising because I am slightly embarrassed that I am scared of Horromovies.

"The Purge. Such a good one. Come on, turn it on." She says as she hands me my headphones.

Fuck. Out if Millions of movies she chose that one? The scariest of all movies out there?

"What are you waiting for, J? Turn it on!" Billie says, loosing paitience.

"Can't we like.. watch something that's not that scary?" I ask her, hoping she won't laugh at me.

"Wait, you're scared? That's fine. I am here, there's nothing to worry about, Mamas. We can turn it off anytime we want." Billie says, showing her concern. She is so cute.

"Do we really have to? Ugh. Man."

"Jordan, it's not that bad. You can hold onto me or something if youre getting scared. That will help." She says as she is turning on the movie on my screen as well.

I put on my headphones and stare at the screen. Our movies playing in sync. I feel her looking at me, checking if i am good so far.

After the first 20 minutes, the movie gets scary as hell and I feel my anxiety rising.

"Oh hell nah!" I jump a little at the look of those creepy people. Out of reflex I cuddle up to Billie a little bit. Holding onto her arm as I try to cover my eyes with it.

"You're such a baby." Billie says laughing. She puts her arm around my shoulder and 'protects' me from the movie.

I feel so safe in her arms.


Billie POV

I wake up and look around confused. Did i just fall asleep? Wait. Jordan is laying in my arms.

The Credits of the Movie are currently playing. We slept through most of the movie. Good for her.

Jordan looks so peaceful slumped over in my arms. She is kinda cute not gonna lie. I hold onto her more intensely wanting to make her feel safe after her very scary experience.

I feel her stir in my arms and I immediately look at her. She wakes up and looks around, finding me looking at her.
We just stare into each others eyes - and souls. Both of us getting caught up in the moment.

I get a feeling that makes me wonder where it's coming from and why i feel it. Is it her?

"Hi" Jordan says cutely, slightly blushing.

"Hey, cutie." I didn't mean to say that. Oh my god. The tension between us is kind of new right now.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Ew."

She laughs. "Don't worry. It was cute, if I am being honest."

Okay now we are getting kind of very romantic. I just don't know this feeling - not with a girl.

Therefore I am Yours | Billie Eilish - Watty Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now