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Jordan POV

Our little... thing in the tub was actually really fun and something I have never done before. I should listen to Billie's ideas more often and stick up with her no matter how weird or spontaneous it might sound.

She had also posted a story to her Instagram before I joined her in the bathtub earlier.

She had also posted a story to her Instagram before I joined her in the bathtub earlier

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Look! This is how cozy it was and the candles smelled so good AH.

After our session we just kept laying there in the warm water. Making out and constantly laughing about what we were doing.

I love her so much... I mean like I have said it millions of times before but I feel like we just got even closer. I didn't think that was possible but I guess I was wrong.

I am laying awake right now, busy with all my thoughts and emotions. They just won't let me sleep. Ever, actually.

I turn my head sideways, letting my eyes fall onto my girlfriend. I wanna cry thinking about her leaving tomorrow. No... in a few hours actually.

Fuck it. Fuck everything.

I scoot closer to her body, tangling my legs with hers carefully - trying hard not to wake her. Then my head finds it's resting spot on her chest and my hands snake around her body, locating her waist and holding onto her softly.

Billie starts shifting slightly, making me open my eyes again.

I can see her hands searching for mine in the dark, intertwining our fingers once she found it. I let out a satisfied sigh and cuddle into her more, appreciating the fact that she is here with me right now.

Billie POV

I woke up at around ten thirty in the morning and left Jordan in my bed to sleep a little longer. I don't really know why but she has been sleeping kind of uneasy... I could tell from all the shifting around and I hope everything's alright in the beautiful head of hers.

As I step into the dining room, I see my mom and dad sitting at the table as usual.

I send them a quick wave and make my way into the kitchen and over to the fridge.

"Billie, you gotta be ready by twelve." I hear my mom say from the other room.

"Yes, mom."

I collect all the fruits that I find in the fridge and place them down on the counter. I take out a knife and along with cutting board and start chopping every fruit into little pieces after I washed and dried them carefully.

"Good morning Jordan." My dad speaks, making me softly gasp and look behind me.

I see my girlfriend walking closer, still in my oversized T-Shirt and shorts from my closet. God, she looks mad cute.

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