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Jordan POV

I get woken by the sunlight from outside crashing onto my face as someone opened up my blinds.

"Ugh no!" I groan, not knowing who it even was.

"Jordan, It's 4pm. You have been sleeping all day. You need to eat something." I hear Pamela say.

Why her? Where's my dad?
Oh right. We had an argument last night.

"What? No. I am not hungry." I say, slumping my face into my pillow.

"Just come down if you change your mind. I will be there to talk if you want to. Your dad is at work."

Now she is acting like a therapist. Even tho i might need that.


After sleeping for a little longer, I decide to stand up. I grab my phone and check my messages. There is nothing important.

I go down into the kitchen, where Pamela is already waiting for me with a gorgeous-looking breakfast.

I eat with her and tell her everything that happened between me and my dad yesterday.
I also tell her about Billie and where we are at right now in out relationship.

She doesn't outcast me like my dad did. She was actually showing concern and she accepts my choices. She is actually nicer than I thought.
Maybe I will rethink the fact that i don't really like her.

"I'm home!" I hear my dad yell from the hallway.

Pamela and I both turn around to look into the direction of the front door.
As soon as he sees me, his smile falls.

I make my way back to the stairs, to go up my room, saying goodbye to Pamela.
As I am about reach the stairs, he stops me with his hand.

"Hey. Wait. Let's talk." He says, setting down his bag.

"About what? You clearly don't support me and my choices. I don't need to hear another hurtful word." I say, continuing to walk up.

"I want to apologize, Jordan. I overreacted because I just... It's so new for me. Everything. I have been very stressed the past weeks. With everything that came up. I just want to say I am sorry."

"I'm actually very happy for you. And I want to support you if anything doesn't work out. Not just with Billie. With everything. I want to be a dad that you can trust and talk to. I know I haven't really showed you that yesterday, but you just have to know, I am trying my best." He looks very disappointed in himslef.

I believe him. I know him and I know that he usually supports diversity. That's also why I was so confused yesterday. He was not the man that I knew. But what he just said is what I know him as. An actual supportive and understanding dad.

"Apology accepted. I just. I was very scared, dad. You acted so different from who you actually are."

I look at him with a sad look.

"I know. That will never happen again, honey. You know I love you. I always have and I always will."

We smile at each other. I look over to Pam, she looks happy. She nods proudly.

"Do you want to go get some food for later and invite Billie over for diner? I want to meet her. I want to see what is oh so special about that girl." He grinns.

I am happy right now, which sounds dumb because we fought really hard yesterday.

"Yes. That would be nice. Let me just text her real quick."

"Sure. Pam and I are going to be waiting in the car." He says, holding his hand out for Pamela.

They both leave.

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