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Jordan POV

Billie left a while ago for her show and I decided to stay at home in bed because Pamela and I spent the whole day at the hospital, vainly waiting for my dad to awake.

When I came home, I started watching a new series on Netflix but I can't concentrate at all because all I can think about is that Billie is leaving again in only a day.

I seriously just want her for more than just two days. Ugh, fame sucks and I'm not even really a part of it. Just like a side character.

Billie POV

The arena is slowly starting to fill up and the more people walk in, the closer the show is coming to an end and that means having to say goodbye to Jordan is coming closer, too.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket and I attempt to grab it but it's already over.
I guess I got caught up staring out at the people.

I take it and look at the screen.

It was my baby.

I swipe the notification - that I missed a call - to the left and call her back.

"Hi, Baby. Sorry I didn't hear my phone... uhm, Wassup?" I ask, my eyes still fixated at the crowd.

"Hey Bil, I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a great show and don't let anything get between you and your music. I love you." Jordan tells me with a soft tone in her voice. She sounds tired.

"Thank you, J. That means a lot to me. And. I love you too. By the way, bunny?" I question.


"You sound tired. Get some rest, love. I will probably be at yours later tonight... If everything goes well."

"Yeah, I tried to relax but I just couldn't stop thinking." Jordan says.

"About what, cutie?" I ask, leaning against a wall.

"You. And that you're leaving in a bit. That fucking sucks." My girlfriend groans.

"I know!" I roll my eyes exhaustingly, pouting my lips.

"I guess I gotta stop complaining about you being away. I'm such a baby." Jordan complains about herself.

"Well, I disagree that you're a baby but It's okay."

"When does your show start?"

"Any minute." I smile, looking at Andrew setting up his drum set.

"By the way-" I start.

"Yes?" She cuts me off.

"Did that... you know-"

"What?" Jordan chuckles.

"Did our glassy friend arrive?"

"What?" She bursts out laughing.

"Did it, J?"

"It probably did but I didn't check cause that wasn't something I focussed on when I we were home if you know what I mean."

"Okay. Make sure to check, 'kay?" I say in a cute voice.

"Alright. Why though?" She laughs again.

Therefore I am Yours | Billie Eilish - Watty Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now