Chapter Seven: Visits

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Hello, my friends! I'm getting more and more ideas for this story and I can't wait to tie them all in! I've been out if wifi range so I couldn't update but I'm back now! Yay! I decided to make up my own quote for the start of the story instead of putting someone else's in. I hope you like it! Enjoy!
Chapter Seven: Visits
"You want to get stronger so you can stand up and your foundation won't crumble. When you get stronger by yourself you don't realise that the ones you push away are your foundation."
The doctors had put on a silver glove on my left hand. They said that before I'm released they'll put the rest of the arm skeleton on.
I sat staring at the glove when the door to my room opened. A doctor walked in. Doctor Freewell. He has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He always wears a different odd tie. This one was a blue one with clouds on it.
"Hello again, Melody," he greeted as he took a seat next to me. "I can tell each day that you want to leave the hospital, correct?"
I nod.
"Well," he said. "You won't have to wait to much longer. Since we have all we need on your burns all we need to do is give you your brace for your arm and take you for a little rehabilitation."
"Okay," I said in relief.
"Your brother, Kage, recovered almost supernaturally," Freewell said. "Do you know how he's been?"
"Good," I say. "He rescued a girl from a fire the other day."
"I saw that," Freewell said.
"Then why did you ask how he was?" I ask, softly.
I don't think he heard because he didn't answer and the door opened. Kage walked in followed by Danny.
"Hello, Kage," Freewell greeted. "I was just telling Melody the good news. She will go into rehabilitation soon and then released."
"That's great!" Danny said, happily and Kage nodded.
"He's back to himself," I thought in relief.
"What about her arm?" Kage asked, looking at my arm on my lap.
"She will be given a robotic skeleton to help her move her arm. The skeleton is thin so it won't mess with her normal everyday routine. She must keep it on however adn the silver glove as well. She can take the glove and skeleton off for water activities but otherwise for her arm's rehabilitation she must keep it on," he explained.
"Who will be the doctor who puts it on?" Kage questioned.
"I have several robotics doctors on call to do it but if you have someone you prefer you can tell me," Freewell answered.
"Danny, your mom is a robotics doctor, right?" Kage asked and turned to Danny.
"Yeah," Danny replied. "She normally deals with things like this. Do you want her?"
Kage looked at me and I nodded happily.
"Daniel," Freewell asked. "What's your mother's name?"
"Medley Gazer," Danny replied.
"The Medley Gazer?" Freewell asked. "She's one of the best RDs in the country."
"One and only," Danny replied.
"Well, then we'll definitely have her do it," Freewell said as he typed some things onto his clear iPad screen.
Doctor Freewell stood up.
"I'll be going then," he said with a smile. "Melody, you'll be free from her soon."
Freewell walked out and Danny and Kage both took seats by my bed.
"How have you been?" Danny asked.
"Good," I say and smile.
"We went back," Kage said and my eyes grew.
"Did you fix them?" I ask.
"Glitch is up and running," Kage said with a slight smirk. "He's repairing the others now."
I smiled wider.
"Getting the gang back together," I say. "Have you gone to see the others yet?"
"No," Kage replied. "Do you know how they've been?"
"Abi's parents along with Mickey and Mike's mom are still in a coma. Ashley, Joe and Adam are getting better and Abi and the twins might get released soon. They're doing better. Abi, Mickey and Mike managed to come and see me. Mickey's already gaining weight again," I explain.
"That's good," Kage said.
"Do you know how everything will work out for them?" Danny asked. "Ya know. Where they'll stay until their parents wake up?"
"No," I reply. "We're still figuring that out."
Danny thought for a moment.
"Maybe I can help out," Danny said. "Maybe Izzy and Ty wouldn't mind having company."
"How have they been?" I ask, curiously.
"They've all been in school while I helped Kage get situated," I say. "Oh! Kage, my mom said that she's going to enroll you at my school. She was going to make it a surprise on the day but.... I had to tell you."
Kage sighed.
"I haven't been to school in a hundred years," he said. "Wonder how that's going to play out."
"Don't worry," Danny said with a smirk. "I'll help you."
"You better," Kage said.
Kage and Danny both stood up.
"You guys should go and visit the others," I suggested. "It'll be nice."
"Good idea," Kage said.
After that they left.
"Where are the others anyway?" I asked Kage.
"It's a little past lunch so let's check the cafeteria," Kage suggested.
We walked down to the cafeteria and looked around. We found everyone sitting at a table by a TV in the corner of the cafeteria.
"Kage!" Abi said, happily. "Danny, too!"
We took a seat by them. Everyone seemed to be doing good. Mickey looked the best but he had about three plates of food by him.
"How have you all been?" I ask.
"We've all been getting a lot better," Mike answered.
"Did you visit Melody already?" Mickey asked and Kage and I nodded.
"I've been doing some research on past hundred years," Ashley said. "There have been several wars."
"World War III was the worst of the wars," I say, grimly. "There's still talk about it today."
"I've been doing research on today's age," Adam said. "Your generation really hates the twenty-first century, Danny."
"Not everyone hates it," I reply. "My family and I love history. Most people don't like your generation because of the invention of the robots...."
"I actually did some research on that," Joe said. "Says that we are considered evil for making the robots. It doesn't make sense. Part of the people around are robots."
"You people love research," I say. "Plus, even the robots consider you guys bad because they have evolved to know emotions as well. The destruction over the conflict of inorganic life has really effected them. They took the side with most people, that you guys are bad."
"But you aren't like them," Abi said. "Why?"
"Like I said I love history," I explain. "I read how you guys went missing, the government obtained your blueprints for the robots and mass produced them. Nothing seemed to add up about you being evil. You weren't even there for the production of your robots."
"At least someone is sensible in this era," Joe muttered.
"Kage, how are you? After the fire I mean," Ashley asked, changing the subject.
"Fine, Ash," Kage replied.
"How's the world like?" Adam asked, curiously.
"It's high tech," Kage replied. "High tech and modern. Old at the same time. It's nice."
"I have a question," Ashley said. "Is there like a big corporation that makes most of the technology today, Danny?"
"Yeah," I answered. "R.E.D. Robotic Engineering and Design. The CEO is Tristan Reed. Why?"
"Just wanted to know. Have to learn," Ashley replied.
"What's have you and Danny been doing, Kage?" Mickey asked, changing the subject.
"I've taken Kage to the stores and showed him around the city," I replied.
"I've also been back and repaired Glitch," Kage explained. "He's fixing the others as we speak."
"That's great!" Abi said.
"He's also starting school," I added.
"Really!" Mike said.
"Good luck, bro," Mickey said with a chuckle.
We talked a little more. We shared jokes and I told them more about the world and its history. Everyone seemed like they've never been through what they have been. They all adjust so well. Only Melody seems off.
Melody sat looking at her arm.
"I'm becoming a burden again," she said aloud, angrily. "I won't become a burden again. I want to be strong like Kage. He's always strong. He's always okay."
In a large building a man stood on the top floor overlooking the city.
"Are we ready to begin production?" He asked.
"Yes, sir," a man in a black suit and red tie said. "Everything is in order."
"Good," the other man answered. "Proceed as planned."
"Yes, sir. Mr. Reed," the man answered.

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