Chapter Twenty-Seven: Heartbeat

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Happy summer! Enjoy!

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Heartbeat

"I can't make people value me. All I can do is show them who I am, what I feel, and what I believe in. It's up to them to realize what I'm worth."


I'm in a white cell. I can feel tears still streaming down my face.

"Failure. Failure. Failure," I mutter, my hands clutching my head.

I'm the the back, right corner of the cell. My knees are tucked into my chest and I can feel my body rocking back and forth.

"I failed you, Danny," I thought. "I told you I wouldn't let you go."

I hear my cell door open. I don't turn my head. I just continue my crying. What's left? Who knows what they did with Kage. My friends... Did they get them too? Danny... I'm so sorry.

"We're leaving soon," a familiar voice says.

I look up to see Watts. He has a pained and sad expression on his face.

"Mr. Reed told me to tell you," Watts explains. "We will be leaving to a secure facility to do more testing. Mr. Reed says that you will help them finish the gases or they will hurt your friends. We leave at midnight, tomorrow."

Watts turns to leave. He was about to leave the room when he stops. He turns his head.

"I'm sorry this is the life you have," he mumbles. "No one, especially a gifted girl like you should have to go through this. I'm sorry."

He leaves. I remove my hands from my head and wrap them around my legs.

"He said, 'help them.' He said, 'or they will.' He never mentioned himself. He said sorry. He is afraid of Reed. He might be forced. He knows too much. He would be killed if he ran away...."

More tears went down my face.

"I'm sorry to you as well Watts," I thought. "I'm sorry."

"Danny..." I mumble. "I'm sorry I won't even see your home again. I won't see your smile. I won't see you. You're gone.... I failed... I'm sorry."


"Melody," I thought. "We're coming."

We went around the back of R.E.D. We were going to break in and find where they were holding Melody.

"Alright," Joe says as Kage, myself and the twins come out. "The others will be waiting for the signal to distract everyone outside while we get away."

We nod and go to a back door at the side of the building. Mike kneels down and works on the lock. He manages to open it in a few minutes and we walk down the dimly lit hallway.

"We are on the main floor so Melody is either up by Reed's office or in a lower level," Joe explains.

He stops and presses the com inside of his ear. We all do the same. Ashley had made and given them to us ahead of time. Since they were her own creations there isn't a way to interrupt them.

"Everyone on?" Joe asks and his voice was evident in my right ear.

"You guys doing good?" Abi asks through the com.

"We got in about a minute ago," Kage says.

We follow Joe to a stairway entrance. He opens the door and we all go in. It's a long way up. A long way.

"We need an elevator," I mumble.

"Joe, Mike and I don't," Mickey smirks, kneeling down.

He, Joe and Mike press a button on their shoes and a red light forms on the bottom. Soon they all begin to levitate.

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