Chapter Nine: New Life

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Yellow! So... My school is going on a band trip this weekend for a few days and I wanted to update in case I couldn't get any wifi. So here it is! If I can write a shorter chapter and post it before I leave I will try. :)

Chapter Nine: New Life
"Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go, but rather learning to start over."
It's been about three weeks since I found Melody and the others. Melody us finally being released and Kage and I went to go and pick her up. My mom was going to cook a dinner for us but she got called into work so she left me some money to take everyone someplace. I just need to figure out where.
Kage and I arrived at the hospital with Izzy, Ty and Eric. We went to the waiting room to wait for everyone to get out. First came the twins.
Kage, Ty, Izzy and I had all gone to the store to by some clothe for everyone. Izzy picked the girl's and the rest of us decided on the twins.
"Hey!" Mickey says, happily.
Mickey was wearing a purple shirt with black jeans and a black jacket and purple shoes.
"'Sup," Mike said.
Mike was wearing the same thing as Mickey but had on a red shirt and shoes. Kage said the twins like dressing similar so their clothes were easy to pick.
Both the twins had gotten their hair cut but it was still messy. It suited them though.
"Are the other's coming?" I asked and they both nodded.
"Abi's getting changed," Mike said. "Adam and Joe are also getting changed."
"And Ash is getting her laptop put away and Melody is making sure her skeleton is working correctly," Mickey finished.
Melody had gotten fitted for a skeleton arm by my mother. It was a silvery, grayish color and it took a while for Melody to get used to it.
"Hello, everyone," Abi said with a smile as she came up to us.
Abi had her black hair in a ponytail and she had on a white sweater and a green camouflage shirt. She also had on a pair of black shorts and green converse.
"Melody will be out soon," Abi explained. "She went to go and get the others."
"Alright," Kage said. "Meanwhile we can talk about your arrangements."
"Arrangements?" Mickey asked, confusion in his voice.
"Yup," Ty said with a smile. "I talked to my parents and they said you two can come and live with us until your mom wakes up."
"And Abi gets to stay with me!" Izzy said with excitement. "And Eric too. But mostly me!"
"Cool," Abi said with a smirk.
"Hello!" Ashley said with wave.
Ashley had on red sneakers and a red jacket with a white shirt and light blue jeans. She also had red backpack on.
"Are we late?" Adam asked.
Adam had on a dark green jacket and a black shirt with black jeans and neon green sneakers.
"We're always late, Adam," Joe said as he walked up with Melody.
Joe had on a grey shirt and black shorts with black sneakers.
Melody has on a dark blue jacket with a silver hood and a navy blue shirt. She also had on dark blue jeans and silver shoes. She was holding her left arm. When she saw Kage she walked over to him. Everything on her was big even in the smallest size. She looked like she was wearing hand me downs. It looked kind of cute. Almost like she was a toddler.
"How's that arm?" Ty asked, curiously.
"It twitches every now and then," Melody explains.
"It's suppose to," Ty said. "It's just to check to see if your nerves are alright and to get your arm used to feeling and movement."
Melody nodded.
"So..." Ashley said. "Where to?"
"To lunch," I said.
"I'm starving!" Mickey says.
"I'm sick of hospital food," Mike says.
"I think you'll like where we're going," Izzy says with a smile.
"Where are we going?" Adam asks, curiously.
"Some place even you old people will recognize," Ty teased.
We walked down to a little mall area with several restaurants. We made it to one place that made Abi and Mickey squeal with excitement. A place that actually has been around since they were alive: Panda Express.
"Awesome!" Mickey says as he shoves more orange chicken in his mouth.
"I never would've thought this place would still be around," Joe said.
"There are several places still around," I said. "It's because Auto City is not just a city of technology. We are one of the cities that combine the past with the present. Other cities won't have anything related to the past, other places won't have anything from the present. We're just a mix of the two."
"That's cool," Melody says.
We ate more and discussed about who was staying with who and if or when we would go to school.
After lunch we left to go to see Glitch and the others. Everyone has been happy. I didn't want that to end... not again.
We went down to the basement of the building where we were being held.
"He-Hello, Kage," Glitch says as he approaches. "I-I see y-you brought everyone e-else."
"Yes I have Glitch," Kage replied. "How is everyone."
"Cha-Charging," Glitch replies. "They should be up soon."
I wanted to run over and hug Glitch but I had to know that the others were okay.
"Did you check the sensors?" I ask as I walk over to a robot that looks like Glitch.
Same frame and size but this one was blue and silver. The only silver on it were its hands, feet and around its eyes. The rest was dark blue.
"All in working order," Glitch replies and I nod.
"Always like this?" Eric asks.
"She is the inventor," Abi explained.
"We all built them," I answer.
"But you came up with it, Mel," Mickey said.
"Whatever," I say as I continue to examine the robot.
"What's its name?" Danny asked, curiously.
"Tinker," I say. "She's the second robot we built and I took charge for keeping her in shape."
"What about the others?" Ty asked.
"Glitch is mine," Kage said.
"The yellow one is ours," Adam said as he gestured to Joe and Ashley. "We only work on the one because Ashley mainly programs."
"I don't do a lot of the dirty work," Ashley stated.
Their robot was yellow and had a red lighting bolt on its chest and on either side of its head.
"It's name is Shocker," Joe explained. "When we first built it it kept shocking me so we got the name Shocker. He still tends to shock us at times."
"Mine is Bugs," Abi said, pointing to a green robot. "The name Bugs because of two things, one was when we finished building it we had gotten a little fly stuck in its head and second because we programmed Bugs to jump higher than the rest of the robots so I named her after Bugs Bunny from Looney Tunes."
"I've heard of that show!" Izzy said. "My mom has old CDs I think of that show."
I smiled.
"This time feels more and more normal each minute," I thought, happily.
"Mine is Bolts," Mike says, pointing to a red robot. "He tends to have his bolts fall off of him or he tries to take them off. No clue why, he just does."
Bolts had a symbol of a bolt on his right shoulder. It was dark purple. Next to him was a dark purple robot was a red, screw symbol on his right shoulder.
"Mine is the purple robot named Nuts!" Mickey says, happily. "As usual, mine and Mike's are opposite colors and its name is Nuts because it tends to be the crazier one."
"And the enthusiastic one," Mike adds.
"That too," Mickey says.
We talked more about our robots before we realized it had gotten late.
"We should head home," Danny said.
I followed Kage and Danny home and found my room. I didn't bother to look around. I just headed for the blue bed in the middle of the room. I was so tired and my arm hurt. I shouldn't have gone to sleep if I had the memory I did...
"Daddy?" I asked as I approached my father in the kitchen of our house. "What are you doing?"
"Melody," my father says as he approaches me. "You cannot tell anyone what is happening. You know I love you, right?"
"When did you start?" I ask, confused.
He sighed as he continued to pour water on the ground. It looked like water but it was in a red can.
"Why are you pouring water on the ground?" I ask.
"Because I'm going to fix everything," my father explained.
My eyes widened when I saw a lighter sitting on the table. My dad had used it to start fires in our fireplace. I ran over and grabbed it.
"Melody!" My father yelled at me.
"You don't want to leave this out, dad," I told him but he grew angry.
"I should've never of let you stay through here," my father said as he splashed some water on me. It smelled horrible.
"What is this water!" I almost yell as I grab a towel from the laundry basket on a chair.
"It's not water, Melody," my father said. "It's gasoline."
My heart stopped. I was young but I was smart... yet so stupid.
"You..." I said as I saw my father light a match.
"Kage!" I screamed.
I sat up, sweating in my bed. I held my head.
"I'm fine," I told myself. "I'm fine.
"I know I'm fine.... but why do I feel threatened?"

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